Community Slope SAFE
Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia
University Sains Malaysia
Development organisation: Public Works Department of Malaysia (JKR – Slope Engineering Branch)
Community group: SlopeWatch
In April 2017, a CSS slope monitoring system was installed at Jalan Wangsa 3, Ampang.
This hilltop community in the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur has a history of slope failures that have damaged houses and severed road links.
Three sensors attached to driven waveguides and a base station to log measurements and communicate warnings were installed at the top of a slope that threatens a road and row of houses.
The waveguides and sensors are located inside protective covers, each with an integrated solar panel. The base station is located on the ground floor of a house that belongs to a member of SlopeWatch.
Progress and impact
Following installation, a workshop was held with the community, local government officers and attended by both local and national politicians.
The event explained the motivation for the monitoring, how the system works and anticipated outcomes from the trial. SlopeWatch are operating and maintaining the CSS system.
Published papers
Dixon N, Smith A, Flint JA, Khanna R, Clark B and Andjelkovic M (2018) An acoustic emission landslide early warning system for communities in low-income and middle-income countries. Landslides. DOI: 10.1007/s10346-018-0977-1.