Networks and Systems Research Theme (NetSys)
The Networks and Systems research theme in the Department of Computer Science exists to research all aspects of networking and communicating systems.
This includes the underlying mathematical theory to practical creation and operation of networked systems, with specific focus on issues related to Internet and control, data centre networks, edge/fog networks, network resilience, network performance modelling and measurement, performance evaluation with Quality of Service (QoS) constraints, vehicular networks and cyber security.
The main research topics in our Networks and Systems research theme are as follows:
- Network Management
- Internet Protocols
- Network Performance Measurement and Modelling
- Software Defined Networking
- Network Function Virtualisation
- Data Centre Networking
- Vehicular Network
- Accessibility and Usability
- Self-healing Networks
- Network Resilience
- Edge/Fog Computing
- Distributed Computing
- QoS Provisioning and Enhancement in Heterogeneous Networks
The theme has its own specialist lab facilities housed within the Haslegrave Building, which include:
- a multi-computer routing and Internet algorithm test network
- a wireless sensor network development platform
- a line-rate network traffic generator
- a software defined data centre network testbed
- a programmable edge computing testbed consisting of over 300 Raspberry Pis and programmable network switches
In addition, students and members of staff are also currently sponsored by a nationally - leading cloud operator with unlimited access to virtual data centre resources. Our research work has been mainly funded by EPSRC, MoD, BAE Systems and other funding bodies. Our industrial collaborators include BAE Systems, Jennic, Arqiva, Sure, Toyota, Sensinode and Rolls Royce et al.
The NetSys theme hosts a number of externally funded research projects.
Academic Members
Professor Tim Watson (Lecturer)
Cyber Security and Resilience, AI