Image credit: Ceramics by student Worthy Clever-Egbedi

Black Heritage: Narratives of Diaspora

Black Staff, Postgraduates, Doctoral Researchers and Alumni have submitted diasporic objects as part of our Black History Month exhibition.

LU Arts is working with Dr Kerri Akiwowo, Senior Lecturer in Textiles (School of Design and Creative Arts), to develop a project that, through the presentation of objects and stories, celebrates, and reflects the many diasporas of Black staff, postgraduates, doctoral researchers, and alumni.

The project will collect and present a range of interesting objects that communicate different diaspora’s.  These will then be presented within a specially created display structure that will be shown within the Martin Hall Gallery between 16 October – 10 November as part of Black History Month. 

Black staff, Postgraduates, Doctoral Researchers and Alumni, including those of mixed-black heritage were invited to submit objects that reflected their diaspora and provided some information explaining their connection to the object. Physical objects, owned or collected, ceramics, artwork and textiles will be on display.

Please note we are not taking anymore submissions but should you have any questions please email

If you have been selected to take part in the project, you will need to bring your object to the LU Arts office in Martin Hall. You can do so Mondays-Wednesdays, 10:00-15:00 from w/c 18 September. The deadline for dropping off work is Wednesday 4 October 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t live in Loughborough but would like to be involved.

The project is open to all alum or staff, no matter where they live. However, you will need to be responsible for posting your item to LU Arts or delivering it to our office. We will cover the costs of returning your object on completion of the competition.

Does it need to be an art related object?

No it can be any object, so could be an item of furniture, something related to cooking or gardening or any other activity. 

Does it matter how big the object is?

The reason why we cannot guarantee that all objects will be accepted is that we want to curate the exhibition, and commission a display structure to accommodate the work. So if the object was very large it might make it more difficult to include within the exhibition.

Can I collect the object at the end of the exhibition?

Yes, it can be collected from the LU Arts office or if you have posted it we will return it by post/courier.

Can I take part in the project but remain anonymous?

If you would rather remain anonymous this is fine, but please state this in your submission.