From Chemical Engineering to a dance program: alumnus pursues passion for dance despite corporate career choices

group of people posing at a dance studio

Chukwudi Amadi graduated with a BEng in Chemical Engineering in 2015, before returning to his home country, Nigeria.

He had pursued many corporate career options, from working in an insurance company, to finding his way in the world of corporate and investment banking, but dancing always remained a constant in his life. 

His passion for dance led him to start his own annual dance program “Oya Dance” under his company, arts in motion, focusing on inviting facilitators from all over the world to teach dance to the local community in Lagos, Nigeria. 

For Chukwudi, dancing wasn’t just a hobby, but rather a form of expression, and a lifestyle. He takes joy in watching others learn and perform.  

Although he’s faced many challenges, he kept pursuing his dream, and is now celebrating the sixth year of Oya Dance.  

Good job, Chukwudi!