Join our applicant groups on social media

There are lots of other students just like you, who are currently holding an offer from Loughborough University. Join our applicant Facebook group to start sharing the journey with new-found friends.

We know the application process can be a little confusing at times and whilst we’re always here to help you at the University, we understand that sometimes you may prefer to chat with other students who are going through the same process.

This exclusive Facebook group is a place for you and your fellow 2025 applicants to ask questions, share tips and experiences, and start those #LboroFamily friendships that last a lifetime.

We’ll post regular updates too, reminding you of important information and upcoming deadlines.

For students overseas who do have access to Facebook, you may like to check out our LSU International Students' Network. Here you can keep up to date with what the Students' Union is doing to support international students, and be the first to hear out about events and activities that we're looking to organise. 

For students overseas who do not have access to Facebook, don’t worry – you can head over to our official Loughborough University Weibo channel for useful content.

If you would like to connect with other applicants from your country or region, our Global Engagement team may have a dedicated WhatsApp or WeChat group for you to join. Contact the Global Engagement team to find out more.

Remember, you’re all in the same boat so don’t be afraid to ask a question or to introduce yourself to the rest of the group. Who knows, you could be chatting to your future classmate or hall buddy!