Lone Working Policy

Lone Working Policy


Due to the increased risk to the health and safety of employees and students when working alone, additional measures need to be considered in order to minimise the associated risk.


This policy and associated code of practice provide a framework for Schools and Services to fulfil their statutory duties. Ensuring the health and safety of staff and students while lone working.

Key Legislative Requirements

  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

Duty Holders

Below is a list of the responsibilities of Duty Holders:

Deans of Schools/Heads of Professional Services

Deans of Schools/ Heads of Professional Services shall:

  • Ensure that suitable risk assessments are in place for all lone working activity
  • Ensure that any required risk reducing measures are implemented to reduce the risk so far is reasonably practicable
  • Appoint Lone Working Duty Officers where necessary
  • Ensure that adequate time and resources are made available to control and manage lone working arrangements
  • Ensure the effectiveness of this policy is monitored within Schools, Departments and Professional Services

University Health & Safety Service

The University Health and Safety Service shall:

  • Monitor compliance with this policy
  • Review the policy and associated guidance periodically
  • Provide information, advice and training

School/Department Safety Officers

School / Departmental Safety Officers shall:

  • Ensure that all lone working practices are compliant with this policy
  • Ensure that members of staff and students are familiar with this policy. As well as the way that the policy is implemented within the school or service
  • Review risk assessments
  • Monitor lone working activity to verify that suitable and sufficient assessments are in place and up to date
  • Report lone working incidents to the University Health and Safety Service using the SHE incident reporting system

Lone Working Duty Officers

Lone Working Duty Officers shall:

  • Be aware of any lone working activity that is occurring within their school or service
  • Respond to lone working incidents when required
  • Notify the Safety Officer and Supervisor of any incidents that occur while lone working

Line Managers/Academic Supervisors

Staff who are responsible for managing the activities carried out by staff, students or volunteers are considered supervisors. As such they have a duty to ensure the health and safety of the staff/students they supervise and have responsibility where their students/staff are lone working.

Line Managers/Academic Supervisors will ensure:

  • Personnel they manage are competent to complete the task and have been provided with suitable information and training, to manage the risks posed by the activity
  • Risk assessments are reviewed and updated regularly, when significant changes occur or following an incident
  • That Lone Working Duty Officers are notified when lone working activity is due to occur

University Staff and Students

University Staff and Students shall ensure:

  • They comply with this policy
  • Only continue to work if it is safe to do so
  • Report incidents or defects