Dr Wendy Jones

Pronouns: She/her
  • Research Associate in Transport Safety Research Centre


Wendy is a qualified nurse (University of Hull, 1987) and Occupational Health specialist (Nottingham Trent University, 1993); also a Chartered Ergonomist. She has a particular interest in workplace stress and fatigue management. Her research interests have developed from her experiences working in occupational health: with a focus on the impact of work on peoples' health and how work can be designed to minimise adverse effects.

Wendy completed her PhD at Loughborough in 2014, exploring the concept of 'Good jobs', and how people define this. Since then she has worked on a range of health and safety related projects in the construction sector including H&S research on two major construction projects (Crossrail and Tideway) and an exploration of OH arrangements in SMEs on major projects. She also supported the development of the LUSKiNs training aids for construction workers. Wendy is currently working on a project to investigate fatigue in seafarers.