Katarina Andjelkovic

Katarina Andjelkovic's exhibit
PANdemia PANscape, Sequence 4. Digital graphics on canvas. 90 X 50cm. 2022.

Katarina Andjelkovic, with a Ph.D., M.Arch.Eng. is a theorist, practicing architect, researcher and painter. She is a highly skilled draftsman, writer and researcher. Andjelkovic is simultaneously engaged in architectural practice, teaching, and research. Katarina’s research, writing and teaching, focus on how ideas can be translated across different media, crossing architecture, visual arts and film. In Spring semester 2021, Katarina was the main instructor of the HAND-DRAWING COURSE: THE FACE[S] OF ARCHITECTURE at SMT New York in New York City.

Email Address: katarina.code@gmail.com