This week-long event from 22-28 June celebrates and showcases the University’s creative community with a range of different live events taking place online in the form of interviews, creative workshops, informative discussions, presentations, readings and quizzes.
As well as academics from Loughborough’s School of Design and Creative Arts, you can also hear from the University’s inspiring students, gain insight from prominent artists and even uncover the art of wrestling (you read that right!).
All members of the Loughborough community and beyond are welcome to take part, with sessions catering for all ages and backgrounds.
Other content, such as vlogs by final year Creative Arts students and a podcast by Andrew Dix on Loughborough’s cinema history will be available to download for free throughout the week from the LU Arts website.
A recording of the final year Drama students radio play Mystery at Morton Hall will also be available to download; this performance will have its first airing on Friday 12 June at 7pm via Facebook.
The full programme for the week is as follows:
- 22 June, 6pm: Craig Richardson in Conversation with artist Jackie Donachie
- 23 June, 6pm: Textiles and Technology - A live discursive event exploring current research activities within the field of textiles and technology.
- 23 June, 8pm: An evening of readings with by English and Creative Writing students at Loughborough University
- 24 June, 6pm: Alternative living research through textiles – A live discursive event exploring current research activities within the field of textiles and alternative living.
- 24 June, 8pm: Literary Lockdown: The pub quiz without the pub
- 25 June, 6pm: Syncopated Saucepans – Politicised Practice Research Group discursive event and percussion workshop with David Stickman Higgins and Salomé Veogelin
- 26 June, 6pm: Queer Craft: Sexuality, Textiles and Art Practice with Daniel Fountain
- 26 June, 8pm: Risk Discussion with Radar artists
- 27 June, 11am: Snap(lands) and Mother)scapes - Family art workshop with Penny Davis and Anna Makrzanowska
- 27 June, 1pm: Bookmaking workshop
- 27 June, 8pm: Saturday Night’s Main Event: Storytelling and Professional Wrestling – talk, discussion and screening with Dr Claire Warden and Sam West
- 28 June, 1pm: Hammer dyeing workshop
- 28 June, 4pm: Observational drawing of plants workshop
Those who are interested in attending any of the events can register their free place using the links above, where you will also find details of the platform being used to deliver the event.
Director of LU Arts Nick Slater commented: “I hope the range of events on offer will not only entertain and inform, but will offer more of an insight into the research and activities that take place within our creative subject areas. I am grateful to all the talented staff and students who have contributed to this year’s event and would like to thank them for their time and efforts.”
More information on all of the events taking place during LU Arts’ Arts Week can be found here.