photo of a healthcare worker holding a tablet with health-related holographics showing above

Design School welcomes Dr Enid Montague as Fulbright Scholar

Dr Enid Montague has joined Loughborough University through the prestigious Fulbright Scheme as a Fulbright Scholar.

photo of Dr Enid Montague

Based within Loughborough Design School, Dr Montague will be working with Dr Patrick Waterson and the Human Factors in Complex Systems Research Group until the end of her award in January.

Dr Montague’s research explores the role of trust between people and technologies in healthcare work systems. Her work has examined organisational and design factors that affect both workers and patients, with the overall goal of understanding technology mediated interactions and designing new and effective health technologies.

During the period of her Fulbright scholarship, she will be seeking to understand how technology-mediated healthcare works within the context of the NHS.

Dr Montague is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Computing at DePaul University and adjunct professor at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. She received MS and PhD degrees in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Virginia Tech, specializing in human factors and ergonomics engineering and human computer interaction.

Her research uses human factors and human-computer interaction methodologies, design principles and theories to understand health care systems to promote safety and patient-centred care.

The US-UK Fulbright Commission was founded by diplomatic treaty in 1948, to foster intercultural understanding between the USA and the UK through educational exchange.

The Fulbright Awards are a bi-lateral transatlantic scholarship programme, allowing British and American citizens to study, research or teach in any discipline at any accredited university in each other’s countries. There have been over 23,000 Fulbright exchanges between the US and UK in the last 70 years.

During her stay in Loughborough, Dr Montague will be integrated into the Institute of Advanced Studies, which aims to promote an outstanding, interdisciplinary research environment at Loughborough by supporting collaborations with leading international scholars from other institutions.

It brings high profile leading researchers to the campus to collaborate with University staff and host formal and informal events, such as public lectures, academic conferences and postgraduate workshops.

Dr Enid Montague said: “I am delighted to have been awarded a Fulbright Scholar award to be based at Loughborough University. I look forward to engaging with the research community and students during my time here.”

Professor Steve Rothberg, Pro Vice Chancellor for Research at added: “Loughborough University is delighted to welcome Dr Montague as a Fulbright Scholar under this highly prestigious scheme.

“We are looking forward to integrating Dr Montague into our international research community and excited at the prospect of exploring how technology-mediated healthcare works within the context of the UK NHS.”
