Student Carers

Loughborough University Student Carer Statement of Intent:

  • Loughborough University defines Student Carers as anyone who cares for a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and could not cope without their support. This definition does not include student parents caring for their children. 
  • We value our diverse student body and are committed to providing opportunities and improving support for students from widening participation groups. We recognise that student carers are one of those groups and may require additional support across the four stages of the student lifecycle: Access, Continuation, Attainment and Progression.
  • We are committed to working with student carers to improve the support offered and to ensure they feel heard and can identify as part of the Loughborough University community. We will listen to student carer voices and provide opportunities for students and staff to share ideas and bring about positive change.

To recognise its work in supporting student carers, Loughborough University has been awarded the Carers Federation Quality Standard in Carer Support.


Accessing support as a student carer

You can access support as a student carer by completing the form below and providing details of your caring responsibilities and the impact you think they might have on your studies.

Once you have submitted the student carer support form, a wellbeing adviser will contact you on your university email address to arrange an appointment.

You may face additional expenses as a carer, for example if you have to travel home more frequently. The University Hardship Fund may be able to help with this. You can make an appointment with the Student Advice and Support Service if you would like help with the application.

Financial assistance may be granted from the Hardship Fund Summer Scheme if students are living independently over the summer, prevented from supporting themselves due to caring responsibilities or have other family, personal or health difficulties. It is expected that students will attempt to find paid work or other means of supporting themselves over the summer but should explain if they have reasonable grounds for not doing so.

You can read more about support services available to Loughborough students who are carers here.

Last updated: 13th October 2023