Since joining CRSP in 2001 my research has focussed predominantly on qualitative projects. Most of my research has been in the area of welfare policy, disadvantaged groups and low income with a particular interest in the perspectives of people themselves.
I have worked on DWP policy evaluations, and led qualitative studies looking at the needs and experiences of older people including projects for Joseph Rowntree Foundation and Age UK. My more recent work has drawn on our Minimum Income Standards (MIS) research to look at the additional needs and costs that some people face, and the experiences of those whose income falls below the MIS level. This includes a series of studies for Thomas Pocklington Trust exploring the additional costs of visual impairment for different age groups and what this means for everyday life, a JRF funded qualitative longitudinal study following families living on a low income over six years, and projects with housing association tenants and young people moving on from supported housing. I have also led several studies looking at the needs and costs of households living in different situations to the ‘main MIS’ households, such as people who live in shared occupancy housing, and families where young adults live with their parents. I am also part of the team using the MIS methodology to develop a Minimum Digital Living Standard for families with children.
Recent publications
- Hill, K., Padley, M. and Freeman, J. (2024) A Minimum Income Standard for Students. London: Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI).
- Yates, S., Hill, K., Blackwell, C., Davis, A., Padley, M., Stone, E., Polizzi, G., D’Arcy, J., Harris, R., Sheppard, P., Singleton, A., Ye, Z., Carmi, E. and Garikipati, S. (2024) A Minimum Digital Living Standard for Households with Children: Overall Findings Report. Liverpool: University of Liverpool.
- Yates, S., Hill, K., Blackwell, C., Davis, A., Padley, M., Stone, E., Polizzi, G., D’Arcy, J., Harris, R., Sheppard, P., Singleton, A., Ye, Z., Carmi, E. and Garikipati, S. (2024) A Minimum Digital Living Standard for Households with Children: Survey Report. Liverpool: University of Liverpool.
- Hill, K. and Hirsch, D. (2024) A Minimum Income Standard for non-resident parents with some responsibilities for children. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Padley, M., Blackwell, C., Davis, A., Hill, K. and Stone, J. (2024) Retirement living standards in the UK in 2023. London: Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association
- Harris, R., Hill, K., Barrera, P., Yates, S. and Blackwell, C. (2023) Towards a Welsh Minimum Digital Living Standard: Citizen and Stakeholder Perspectives. Cardiff: Welsh Government.
- Blackwell, C., Davis, A., Hill, K., Padley, M. and Yates, S. (2023) A UK Minimum Digital Living Standard for Households with Children. Loughborough: Centre for Research in Social Policy
- Yates, S., Hill, K., Blackwell, C., Stone, E., Polizzia, G., Harris, R., D’Arcya, J., Davis, A., Padley, M., Roberts, D., Lovell, J. and Lainge, H. (2023) Towards a Welsh Minimum Digital Living Standard: final report Cardiff: Welsh Government
- Webber, R., Hill, K. and Hirsch, D. (2023) Living or surviving? Benefits, barriers, and opportunities for young people transitioning out of homelessness. Birmingham: West Midlands Combined Authority Homelessness Taskforce
- Hill, K. and Webber, R. (2022) ‘Bringing up a family and making ends meet: before and during the coronavirus crisis’ in Garthwaite, K., Patrick, R., Power, M., Tarrant, A and Warnock, R. (eds.) COVID-19 Collaborations Researching Poverty and Low-Income Family Life during the Pandemic. Bristol: Policy Press
- Hill, K. and Webber, R. (2022) From pandemic to cost of living crisis: low-income families in challenging times York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Hill, K., Webber, R. and Hirsch, D. (2021) Staying Home and Getting On: Tackling the challenges facing low to middle income families where young adults live with their parents. Edinburgh: abrdn Financial Fairness Trust
- Hill, K., and Webber, R. (2021) Seeking an anchor in an unstable world: experiences of low-income families over time. Joseph Rowntree Foundation: York.
- Hill, K. and Webber, R. (2021) Staying afloat in a crisis: families on low incomes in the pandemic. Joseph Rowntree Foundation: York.
- Hill, K., Padley, M. and Stone, J. (2020) Exploring affordability: what can housing associations do to better support their tenants? Loughborough, Centre for Research in Social Policy.
- Hill, K., Hirsch, D., Stone, J. and Webber, R. (2020) Home Truths: Young adults living with their parents in low to middle income families, Edinburgh, Standard Life Foundation.
- Hill, K., Hirsch, D., and Davis, A. (2020) The Role of Social Support Networks in Helping Low Income Families through Uncertain Times. Social Policy and Society, 1-16. Doi:10.1017/S1474746420000184
- Hill, K. and Hirsch, D. (2019) Family sharing - A minimum income standard for people in their 20s living with parents. Loughborough: Centre for Research in Social Policy
- Hill, K. and Davis, A. (2018) Making Ends Meet Below the Minimum Income Standard - families experiences over time. Loughborough: Centre for Research in Social Policy.
- Hill, K., Shepherd, C. and Hirsch, D. (2018) Experiences of Living with Visual Impairment: matching income with needs Loughborough: Centre for Research in Social Policy.
- Roberts, S., Stafford, B. and Hill, K. (2017) Diluting Substantive Equality: Why the UK Government Doesn’t Know if its Welfare Reforms Promote Equality, in Fee, D. and Kober-Smith, A. (2017) Inequalities in the UK: New Discourses, Evolutions and Actions. Bingley, Emerald Publishing Ltd.
- Hill, K., Horsley, N., Hirsch, D. and Padley, M. (2017) Sight Loss and Minimum Living Standards: the additional costs of severity & age. Loughborough: Centre for Research in Social Policy.
- Hirsch, D. and Hill, K. (2016) The additional cost of disability: a new measure and its application to sensory impairment. Disability and Society, Volume 31, Issue 7.
- Davis, A., Hill, K., Hirsch, D. and Padley, M. (2016) A Minimum Income Standard for the UK in 2016. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Hill, K., Davis, A., Hirsch, D. and Marshall, L. (2016) Falling Short: the experiences of families living below the Minimum Income Standard. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Hill, K., Marshall, L., Padley, M. and Hirsch, D. (2016) Sight Loss and Minimum Living Standards: the additional costs of living for people of working age who are severely sight impaired and for people of pension age with acquired sight impairment. Loughborough: Centre for Research in Social Policy.
- Hill, K., Hirsch, D. and Padley, M. (2015) Minimum budgets for single people sharing accommodation. CRSP Working Paper 642. Loughborough: Centre for Research in Social Policy.
- Hill, K., Davis, A., Hirsch, D., Padley, M. and Smith, N. (2015) Disability and Minimum Living Standards: The additional costs of living for people who are sight impaired and people who are Deaf. Loughborough: Centre for Research in Social Policy.
- Sutton, L and Hill, K. (2012) Mediating the Risk of Fuel Poverty in Pensioner Households, CRSP Research Report 618. Chesshire Lehmann Fund.
- Hill, K., Sutton, L. and Hirsch, D. (2012) Living on a low income in later life, London: Age UK.
- Hill, K. (2011) More Than Just a Free Ride..., Public Servant, January 2011, p 35.
- Whitfield, G., Waring, A., Goode, J., Phung, V-H., Hill, K. and Sutton, L. (2011) Customers' Experiences of Contact with the Pension, Disability and Carers Service. Research Report No. 722. London: Department for Work and Pensions.
- Perren, K., Harvey, J., Hill, K., Hartfree, Y. and Padley, M. (2011) Evaluation of the 50+ Face-to-Face Guidance Pilot. Research Report No. 720. London: Department for Work and Pensions.
- Signoretta, P., Smith, N., Holmes, L., Beckhelling, J., Hartfree, Y., Hill, K., Manful, E., Padley, M., Perren, K. and Waring, A. (2011) Evaluation of DWP Financial Inclusion Champions Initiative: Final Report and Appendices. London: HM Treasury.
- Hartfree, Y., Whitfield, G., Waring, A., Sandu, A. and Hill, K. (2010) Tenants’ and advisers’ early experiences of the Local Housing Allowance national rollout. Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Research Report No. 688. Norwich: HMSO.
- Hill, K. and Sutton, L. (2010) Housing Transitions: Older people's changing housing needs. Loughborough: JRF/ Centre for Research in Social Policy.
- Hill, K. and Sutton, L. (2010) Managing Finances in Later Life. Loughborough: JRF / Centre for Research in Social Policy.
- Sutton, L. and Hill, K. (2010) Transport and getting around in later life. Loughborough: JRF / Centre for Research in Social Policy.
- Hill, K. (2009) Le dinamiche del reddito nella terza età (Looking Behind Income Dynamics in Later Life) in Sociologia e Politiche Sociali, vol. 12, n. 3, 2009 - special edition Povertà diffuse e classi medie (Poverty Dynamics Revisited).
- Hill, K., Sutton, L., and Cox, L. (2009) Managing Resources in Later Life: Older People's Experience of Change and Continuity, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Hill, K., Kellard, K., Middleton, S., Cox, L. and Pound, E. (2007) Understanding Resources in Later Life: Views and experiences of older people, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Hill, K., Harvey, J., Phung, V-H., Sandu, A. and Roberts, S. (2007) Local Housing Allowance Final Evaluation: The Qualitative Evidence of Claimants Experience in the Nine Pathfinder Areas, Leeds: Corporate Document Services, DWP.