
MSc programmes

Existing MSc programmes can be found on the WEDC website.  

New MSc programmes, aligned with the Chair’s research strengths, are currently in development and are expected to launch in 2025. These programmes aim to train the next generation of researchers and professionals to support DRR research and practice. 

PhD opportunities

PhD studentships will be directed to the Chair, supported by external funding and University resources. They will be shaped to attract low and middle-income candidates to undertake disaster risk reduction research (including gender studies) in collaboration with in-country partners, developing local research capacity.

Training courses

Free, fit-for-purpose annual training courses are delivered to teach the latest high-performance multi-hazard risk modelling and evaluation skills. These courses are held in collaboration with LMIC partners, team members, visiting professors, and academics. The target is to reach 30 or more PhDs/early career researchers per course.