2022 Events
Previous Events

Launch event
We are delighted to invite you to attend a launch event to learn more about Grid Algebra.
Grid Algebra is a free-to-use piece of software which offers a highly innovative approach to number and early algebra work. It uses what students already know about making journeys to support their learning of relationships between numbers, arithmetic operations, expressions, use of letters, algebraic notation, inverse operations and solving linear equations. It uses movement around a grid to create expressions so that expressions have meaning in terms of movements made as well as mathematical processes. This allows students to bring what is familiar about making journeys into their new learning of mathematics.
The website gridalgebra.com includes a range of computer generated tasks alongside the Grid Algebra software, lesson ideas for teachers, worksheets for students related to the Grid Algebra activities, and videos to support how the software might be used.
The launch will include talks about the design of the software and how it has been used in schools, alongside opportunities to explore the software further and talk with other teachers, mathematics educators and researchers. A buffet and drinks will be provided during the event.
Further information will be given to those who have registered. This will include a schedule and be circulated closer to the date of the event.
To confirm your attendance please register below. Closing date for registrations is Monday 26 September.
Designing practice tasks to develop the mathematician as well as the mathematics.
Led by Tom Francome 28th June 2022
Most teachers appreciate the value of practising, but what do we know about effective practising in mathematics? In this active session, we will consider some of the theories relating to effective practice and how research related to practising might inform the tasks that we ask learners to work on. This session will draw on variation theory and cognitive psychology to offer practical advice to use in classrooms. Drawing on current work from within the Department of Mathematics Education, we will explore the principles of ‘practice through progress’ in two ways: progress through the curriculum, deepening mathematical ideas, and progress as a mathematician. We will also look at some secondary mathematics tasks, and work together on designing tasks that might play a useful role in developing the mathematician as well as the mathematics. Everyone who attends this event will receive a free copy of Tom’s book (co-authored with Dave Hewitt, also from the Mathematics Education Centre here) entitled ‘Practising Mathematics’, published by the Association of Teachers of Mathematics.
About the Presenter:
Tom taught mathematics in schools and worked for many years as a Head of Mathematics and Head of Faculty, winning the TES Award for ‘Maths Team of the Year 2015’. He contributed lesson materials for the EEF-funded project on Best Practice in Mixed-Attainment Teaching. This work was awarded the 2016 BCF-BERA Routledge Curriculum Journal Prize. Tom was previously a lecturer in secondary mathematics education at the University of Birmingham. He now leads Loughborough’s outstanding mathematics PGCE, and his wider role in the Centre is to work to integrate basic research, academic scholarship and practical experience. Tom is interested in all aspects of educational research, but in particular equitable approaches to teaching mathematics and the development of expertise. Tom is currently conducting PhD research into the nature of practising in mathematics. He has recently talked about his work on the Mr Barton Maths podcast.