Shefu Pryashe Islam

Pronouns: She/her
  • Doctoral Researcher
Start date: January 2023
Primary supervisor: Dr Clare Holley
Secondary supervisor(s): Professor Emma Haycraft

Shefu completed her BSc degree in Psychology (BPS accredited) in 2021, and an MSc degree in Health Psychology in 2022 from Aston University. Shefu has worked as a research assistant for Aston University and The University of Birmingham. The projects she worked on included exploring the reading and vocabulary development of children, how story writing relates to the development of Theory of Mind, and exploring the nutritional intake of children living in Kenya and Zambia. She then went on to start a PhD at Loughborough University from 2023, under the supervision of Dr Clare Holley and Professor Emma Haycraft.


Research title: Exploring the effectiveness of the Hakuna Fruitata Project

Shefu’s overall PhD is about exploring how efforts to promote healthy eating to UK children can meet the needs of those at risk of food insecurity. Her current project is titled ‘Exploring the effectiveness of the Hakuna Fruitata Project’ wherein she is going to explore the effectiveness of holiday clubs at changing the fruit and vegetable consumption of children experiencing food insecurity.