Ansuman Swain

Pronouns: He/him
  • Doctoral Researcher
Start date: January 2024
Primary supervisor: Dr Will Johnson
Secondary supervisor(s): Dr Natalie Pearson, Dr Scott Willis

My doctoral research at Loughborough involves the application of novel statistical models to ascertain the relationship of heterogeneity in Adiposity and Diabetes. As I hail from a background in Dentistry and Public health, I have decent exposure to both clinical as well as population domains of healthcare with a specialization in 'Global Health'. Additionally, my research interests lie in strategic meta-analysis, risk factor modelling, and drawing meaningful conclusions from published epidemiological literature. I aspire to put into practice the best of my knowledge and experience to contribute to the WHO paradigm of "Health for all".


How does the association of obesity with diabetes risk vary according to the combination of guidelines (physical activity, diet, smoking, alcohol, and sleep) someone meets? A Multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy (MAIHDA) project

External Activities

  • Indian J Community Med, Swain A, Rao AP, Sanju SVC, Kumar S. (2021) Factors Affecting Diabetes Management among Tuberculosis-Diabetes Comorbid Patients in Udupi District.  doi: 10.4103/ijcm.IJCM_114_21 
  • International Journal of Current Research and Review, Swain, Ansuman & Rao, Arathi & Prabhath, Matpady & Gore, Manisha & Soumyadarshinee, Kirtimayee. (2022). Challenges of Diabetes Management among TB Diabetes co-morbid Patients in Udupi District. . 14. 09-14. 10.31782/IJCRR.2022.141402.
  • BMJ Open, Gudi N, Swain A, Kulkarni MM, Pattanshetty S, Zodpey S. Tobacco prevention and control interventions in humanitarian settings: a scoping review protocol. . 2022 Jul 29, doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058225