Dr Varinia Heidel


  • University Teacher in Psychology

Varinia obtained her BSc in psychology from the University of Bedfordshire in 2008, followed by a PhD from the University of Essex in 2018. Both her undergraduate and postgraduate work focused on a variation of the Stroop effect, memory, and language processing, as well as the use and understanding of verbal and non-verbal information.

Varinia has previously worked as a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Bedfordshire, a Teaching Fellow at Leicester University, and a Lecturer at Newman University, before joining Loughborough University at the end of 2022. She has also worked on several research projects at the University of Bedfordshire and Brighton University.

She is currently involved in the delivery of second and third year cognitive psychology teaching, as well as dissertation supervision.

Varinia’s research interests are focused on cognitive and social psychology, although she has worked in a number of health-related projects in the past.