Photo Credit: Francisco Martin and The Maya Project

Images from the University’s Maya Project to feature in new exhibition

Images from a Loughborough social enterprise project which captures the lives of the Maya, the largest living group of Native Americans, are included in the new Virtual Museum of Human Ecology.

The virtual museum has been established by the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, to promote active awareness and scientific activities on the interaction between biology and culture. Its main goal is to contribute to the making of personal and collective decisions on the actions and policies needed to address environmental problems.

Loughborough’s Maya Project was launched in 2012 by the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences to produce high quality research focused on the living Maya, and to disseminate the results through art and multimedia outputs. Its gallery of photographs can be viewed on the project website.

Professor Barry Bogin and Dr Ines Varela-Silva, who lead the Maya project, were invited to submit some of their Maya images for the virtual museum, and Professor Bogin will be one of the speakers at the official opening, taking place on November 29 at Spain’s National Museum of Decorative Arts.

“We are delighted to be part of the Virtual Museum of Human Ecology,” Said Dr Varela-Silva. “The Maya Project enabled us to share with the world what life is like for the Maya living today, and it is fantastic that photographs from our research and from several Maya photographers will now be shared with a new audience.”
