Professor Ian R. Hodgkinson
Professor of Strategy
Areas of expertise
Digital decarbonisation; Telemedicine; Community sport; Resilient decision-making techniques from the performing arts.
Ian is internationally known for his research on service delivery in the public, third, and private sectors, which has informed international, national, and local service transformations in health, leisure and sport, local government and emergency services. His research includes the pioneering work on Digital Decarbonisation with Prof. Tom Jackson, revolutionising the way we understand and address the impact of data and AI on CO2 emissions. Their ground breaking work has led to the development of the Data Carbon Ladder, an innovative tool and world first that allows organisations to assess and mitigate the carbon footprint associated with data practices. In 2023, Ian and Tom’s Digital Decarbonisation research was identified by OECD-OPSI as a critical future focus for accelerating the path to net zero
Interview booking
Please call the press office on +44 (0)1509 223491 to arrange an interview with Professor Ian R. Hodgkinson. Bookings can also be made online at Globelynx.