Professor Dominic Wring
Professor of Political Communication
Areas of expertise
Media coverage in politics – particularly British General Elections, and press partisanship.
Since joining the University in 1997, Professor Wring has been primarily engaged in exploring the relationships between the media, communication and politics.
He has been involved in successive Centre for Research in Communication and Culture (CRCC) studies into how legacy news media cover politics and, more particularly, UK campaigns.
Dominic has been involved in extensive content analyses of British General Elections that first started two decades ago and, most recently, have included the momentous 2016 ‘Brexit’ Referendum together with the 2017 and 2019 campaigns. An important dimension to this work, co-authored with David Deacon, has been to track and understand the changing patterns of press partisanship.
Interview booking
Please call the press office on +44 (0)1509 223491 to arrange an interview with Professor Dominic Wring. Bookings can also be made online at Globelynx.