External Examiner and Invigilator Data Retention Schedule
(Records Containing Personal Information)

The following minimum retention periods relate to all personal information, regardless of the format in which it is stored. The list is not exhaustive, but provides guidance as to best practice. This retention schedule should be read in conjunction with the University's Data Protection Policy.

Type of RecordMinimum Retention PeriodLocationReason for Length of Period
Records documenting the selection and appointment of external examiners. Termination of appt. + 1 year Registry, HoD, Faculty Board Good practice
Records documenting liaison with external examiners on administrative matters. Current academic year + 1 year Registry, HoD, Dean, VC. Good practice
Records documenting the selection and appointment of examination invigilators. Current academic year + 1 year Registry Good practice
External Examiner reports and departmental responses. 5 years

(electronically scanned)

Institutional Audit, Internal Programme Review and Accreditation purposes.