Performance and Development Review

About PDR

All staff

All staff are invited to attend a 'PDR Update Briefing' session. This briefing session covers the revised PDR process for 2019/20.  Book via my.HR using the button below.

In addition staff are able to watch the video located at the bottom of this page which talks through the PDR principles and process at Loughborough University.

Optional training for academic reviewers

Dr Elizabeth Gadd, Research Policy Manager, will be running sessions on 'Interpreting your PDR Publication Data' which are available for all Academic members of staff to attend.

These sessions provide an opportunity to learn a bit more about the research publication visibility data provided with your PDR. Why do we provide this data? What do the indicators mean?  How should you interpret them?  How else can you evidence research publication success? Spaces are available to book via my.HR via the button below.

PDR at Loughborough University

Short training video for all PDR Reviewers covering the principles and process of PDR at Loughborough