Performance and Development Review

About PDR

Close-up of female staff member


As an individual member of staff you deserve the right, at least once a year, to be given feedback on your performance, be given a chance to talk about any support or development you need, as well as being able to give feedback on the way you are managed and feel as a valued employee.

Having an annual PDR means that everyone will be given feedback on how well they are performing with clear objectives on how to maintain or improve that performance. As well as recognising staff for their performance we also want to ensure everyone is clear on the contribution they make to the university achieving its strategic aims.

The PDR process provides a valuable opportunity for staff to discuss their development and career aspirations. It allows members of staff to reflect on their working practice and set development targets agreed with their reviewer. 

Rewards at Loughborough

Information on rewards at Loughborough can be found on the Human Resources website by clicking the button below.