Operations Committee

Terms of Reference

  1. To advise Senate on the future academic developments of the University, having particular regard to the financial and physical implications of such developments.
  2. To develop detailed annual business plans and budgets, within parameters agreed by the University’s Finance Committee.
  3. To approve the relevant stages of major projects, within guidelines approved by Council and, in particular, to establish appropriate management and independent review arrangements for major projects, involving the Finance Committee as appropriate.
  4. To institute operational reviews of cost centres as considered appropriate, to ensure the effective performance of the University, in the light of its strategic objectives.
  5. Within the context of the budget agreed by the Finance Committee and Council, to be responsible for staffing levels in academic and other sections of the University and to delegate, as appropriate, to subsidiary bodies or officers the day-to-day responsibility for staffing decisions.
  6. To approve student intake and population targets, having taken into account all relevant factors, including the budget parameters set by the Finance Committee.
  7. To approve allocations from contingency funds, within the agreed budgetary framework.
  8. On behalf of Council (delegated authority 2013) to approve minor changes to non-regulated fees for tuition and research supervision for all registered students of the University and for the validation of academic courses in other institutions. Where changes to fees are major (in excess of 10%) Operations Committee will make a recommendation to Council.
  9. To report regularly and routinely to Senate and Council.
  10. To ensure implementation of the University's VFM programme, within parameters agreed by the Finance Committee.
  11. To consult Senate on all issues of academic policy, in accordance with Statute XIII, before making recommendations to Council.
  12. To consider and make recommendations on fundraising campaigns and projects which have resource implications.