8. Action after the Meeting – Including reporting to other committees

8.1 Tabled Papers

Any tabled papers should be placed on the Committee website as noted in section 7 and those on the circulation list who were not present alerted by email (or when the minutes are circulated).


8.2 Reporting to Other Committees

Where a decision needs to be communicated to another committee, the minute together with any original paper (revised if appropriate – see paragraphs above re paper preparation and numbering) should be forwarded in good time to the secretary of the other committee. This will usually be after the minute has been approved by the Chair but before formal approval at the next meeting. At this point minutes are still “unconfirmed” and should be labelled as such. The Committee coversheet should be updated to include the minutes from the forwarding committee or if these are lengthy they should be attached separately. Where an original paper has been revised the cover paper should make this clear.


8.3 Following Up Actions

  1. For some committees, especially those with large numbers of actions, action lists may be sent to some or all members after the meeting. An action list summarises what was agreed at the meeting and clearly designates responsibility to named individuals, making it easier to follow up actions at a later date. The list can also be used as a concise way of updating the next meeting of the status of each action (e.g. completed, in progress, meeting arranged on a particular date etc.)
  2. Where a committee places an action on an individual who is not a member of the committee or normally in attendance, it is the committee secretary’s responsibility to alert that individual in a timely fashion and to provide any relevant background information. Colleagues should not be expected to pick such actions up without formal notification.