Additive Manufacturing Research Group


Metal-Ceramic Metamaterials for RF Communications

Research Overview

Radiofrequency communication is all around us but the design concepts have remained the same for decades. 3D metamaterials offer the opportunity to design the desired material properties such as the permittivity or permeability or even vary the properties within the material. This project aims to find manufacturing routes to produce new multi-material metamaterials and RF, Microwave and THz components via Additive Manufacturing. Ceramic materials are promising candidates for low loss metamaterials with high temperature stability but multiple manufacturing challenges needs to be overcome to form functional parts. The project is part of the Grand Challenge SYMETA – Synthesising Metamaterials for RF, Microwave and THz Applications (EP/N010493/1). The project partners are Loughborough University, University of Oxford, University of Sheffield, Queen Mary University London and University of Exeter.