Additive Manufacturing Research Group

AMRG Group

Dr Troy Bodkin PhD BEng

Photo of Dr Troy Bodkin


Academic/Professional Background:

2013   B.Eng. (Hons) in Robotic Engineering, Staffordshire University, UK.


Troy Bodkin graduated with a B.Eng (Hons) in Robotic engineering at Staffordshire University’s Stafford Campus. His final year project, Accurate Imitation of the Fluid Dextarity and Stable Grip of the Human Hand was awarded First place in the category of Engineering and Design at Staffordshire University’s Gradex 2013.

Outside of his undergraduate studies Troy has done some freelance design work and 3D modelling for various clients, including the recent redesign of Staffordshire University’s student’s union venue, The Lounge.

Troy is one of a team of 4 PhD students working on the multidisciplinary Advanced Prosthetics project in the area of Novel Prosthetic Design. The project aims to consider the possibilities of a future method for Additive Manufacturing prosthetic limbs by printing and blending different materials in a single assembly. He is supervised by Dr. Richard Bibb and Prof. Russ Harris.

Research Interests:

  • Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • PTC Elements Creo 2.0
  • Advanced Robotic Prosthetics
  • PID Control


Research Projects:

  • PhD Thesis ‘Defining a Multi Material, Multi Scale CAD System for Producing Next-Gen Prosthetics via Additive Manufacture’, Oct 2013 – Sept 2016