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The following bibliography originates from research on ‘European world cities’ (see GaWC Project 8 and ‘The Spatial Order of European Cities under Conditions of Contemporary Globalization’). Accordingly, it focuses on contemporary developments within the European city system, listing relevant literature mainly from the 1990s. The focus is on studies dealing with urban networks and hierarchies – on changing relations between cities rather than on changes in their internal structures. (last update: 12/1999) Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (ed.) (1990): Stadtforschung in Ost und West. Perspektiven und Möglichkeiten der Kooperation der großen Zentren in Europa. Braunschweig (VSB-Verlagsservice) 1990. (= Veröffentlichungen der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung, Beitr. 116) Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung (ed.) (1991): Großstadtregionen in Deutschland vor dem Hintergrund europäischer Entwicklungen. Hannover (Verlag der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung). Amin, A.; Thrift, N. (eds.) (1994): Globalization, institutions and regional development in Europe. Oxford 1994. Ascher, F. (1995): Metapolis ou l'avenir des villes. Paris (Odile Jacob). Bagnasco, A.; Le Galès, P. (eds.) (1997): Villes en Europe. Paris (Découverte) 1997. (= Collection "Recherche". Serie "Changement social en Europe occidentale") Bagnasco, A.; Le Galès, P. (1997): Les villes européennes comme société et comme acteur. In: A. Bagnasco; P. Le Galès (eds.): Villes en Europe. Paris (La Découverte), 7-43. Barry, A. (1996): The European Network. In: New Formations, 29, 26-37. Batten, D.F. (1995): Network cities: creative urban agglomerations for the 21st century. In: Urban Studies, 32, 313-327. Benevolo, L. (1993): The European city. Oxford (Blackwell). (= The making of Europe) Berg, L. van den; Drewett, R.; Klaassen, L.H.; Rossi, A.; Vijverberg, C.H.T. (1982): Urban Europe: a study of growth and decline. Oxford (Pergamon). (= Volume 1 of Urban Europe) Berg, L. van den; Pol, P. (1998): The European high-speed train and urban development: experiences in fourteen European urban regions. Aldershot (Ashgate). Bonneville, M. (ed.) (1993): L'avenir des villes. Excellence et/ou diversité. Lyon (Programme Rhône-Alpes). Bonneville, M. (1994): Internationalization of non-capital cities in Europe: aspects, processes and prospects. In: European Planning Studies, 2, 267-285. Bonneville, M.; Buisson, M.A.; Rousier, N. (1993): L'internationalisation des villes en Europe: un même défi, des processus différents. In: Bonneville, M. (ed.): L'avenir des villes. Excellence et/ou diversité. Lyon (Programme Rhône-Alpes), 85-106. Bosman, J.; de Smidt, M. (1993): The geographical formation of international management centres in Europe. In: Urban Studies, 30, 967-980. Boyle, M.; Findlay, A.; LeLievre, E.; Paddison, R. (1996): World cities and the limits to global control: a case study of executive search firms in Europe’s leading cities. In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 20, 498-517. Brade, I.; Grimm, F.-D. (ed.) (1998): Städtesysteme und Regionalentwicklungen in Mittel- und Osteuropa: Rußland, Ukraine, Polen. Leipzig (Institut für Länderkunde). (= Beiträge zur regionalen Geographie, 46) Bremm, H.-J.; Ache, P. (1993): International changes and the single European market: impacts on the spatial structure of Germany. In: Urban Studies, 30, 991-1007. Brenner, N. (1998): Global cities, glocal states: global city formation and state territorial restructuring in contemporary Europe. In: Review of International Political Economy, 5, 1-37. Brenner, N. (1999): Globalisation as reterritorialisation: the re-scaling of urban governance in the European Union. In: Urban Studies, 36, 431-451. Bruinsma, F.; Rietveld, P. (1993): Urban agglomerations in European infrastructure networks. In: Urban Studies, 30, 919-934. Brunet, R. (1989): Les villes "européennes". Rapport pour la DATAR. Paris (La Documentation Française). Budd, L. (1995): Globalisation, territory and strategic alliances in different financial centres. In: Urban Studies, 32, 345-360. Budd, L. (1998): Territorial competition and globalisation: Scylla and Charybdis of European cities. In: Urban Studies, 35, 663-685. Burtenshaw, D.; Bateman, M.; Ashworth, G. (1991): The European city, a Western perspective. London (David Fulton). Buursink, J. (1991): Europese Steden tussen Idee en Competitie. In: Geografisch Tijdschrift, 25, 427-433. Buursink, J. (1992): The European city: does it already exist? In: Landscape and Urban Planning, 22, 243-254. Castells, M. (1993): European cities, the informational society, and the global economy. In: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 84, 247-257. (Reprinted in New Left Review, 204, (1994), 18-32). Cattan, N. (1993): La dynamique des échanges aériens internationaux entre les grandes villes européennes. In: Revue d'Économie Régionale et Urbaine, 4, 649-660. Cattan, N. (1995): Attractivity and internationalisation of major European cities: the example of air traffic. In: Urban Studies, 32, (1995), 303-312. Cattan, N. (1996): Comparative studies of sets of European cities. In: Pumain, D.; Saint-Julien, Th. (eds.): Urban networks in Europe. Paris (John Libbey), 237-250. Cattan, N.; Pumain, D.; Rozenblat, C.; Saint-Julien, T. (1994): Le système des villes européennes. Paris (Anthropos). (= Collection Villes) Cattan, N.; Saint-Julien, T. (1998): Modèles d'intégration spatiale et réseau des villes en Europe occidentale. In: L'Espace géographique, 27, 1-10. Cauvin, C.; Reymond, H.; Schaub, G. (1989): Accessibilité, temps de séjour et hiérarchie urbaine: l'exemple du reseau aérien pour 53 villes d'Europe. In: Sistemi Urbani, 3, 297-324. Cheshire, P. (1990): Explaining the recent performance of the European Community's major urban regions. In: Urban Studies, 27, 307-329. Cheshire, P.C. (1994): A new phase of urban development in Western Europe? An analysis of 1990/91 census data for EU countries. Reading 1994. (= Discussion Papers in Urban and Regional Economics, Series C, VI, 91) Cheshire, P. (1995): A new phase of urban development in Western Europe? The evidence for the 1980s. In: Urban Studies, 32, 1045-1063. Cheshire, P. (1999): Cities in competition: articulating the gains from integration. In: Urban Studies, 36, 843-864. Cheshire, P.; Carbonaro, G. (1996): Urban economic growth in Europe: testing theory and policy prescriptions. In: Urban Studies, 33, 1111-1128. Cheshire, P.C.; Giussani, B.; Carbonaro, G. (1994): Testing theories of city-region growth: the evidence for the European Union in the 1980s. Reading. (= Discussion Papers in Urban and Regional Economics, Series C, VI, 93) Cheshire, P.C.; Gordon, I.R. (1995): European integration: the logic of territorial competition and Europe's urban system. In: Brotchie, John; Batty, Mike; Blakely, Ed; Hall, Peter; Newton, Peter (eds.): Cities in competition. Productive and sustainable cities for the 21st century. Melbourne (Longman Australia), 108-126. Cheshire, P.C.; Gordon, I.R. (eds.) (1995): Territorial competition in an integrating Europe. Aldershot (Avebury). Cheshire, P.C.; Hay, D. (1986): The development of the European urban system, 1971-1981. In: Ewers, H.J.; Goddard, J.B.; Matzerath, H. (eds.): The future of the metropolis. Berlin - London - Paris - New York. Economic Aspects. Berlin, New York, 149-169. Cheshire, P.C.; Hay, D.G. (1989): Urban problems in Western Europe. An economic analysis. London (Unwin Hyman). Christaller, W. (1950): Das Grundgerüst der räumlichen Ordnung in Europa. Die Systeme der europäischen zentralen Orte. Frankfurt am Main. (= Frankfurter Geographische Hefte, 24) Clout, H. (ed.) (1994): Europe's cities in the late twentieth century. Utrecht. (= Nederlandse geografische studies, 176) Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Regional Policies (1992): Urbanisation and the functions of cities in the European Community. Brussels, Luxembourg. (= Regional Development Studies, 4) Commission of the European Union (1993): Europa 2000. Perspektiven der künftigen räumlichen Entwicklung in Europa. Brussels. Committee of the Regions (1998): Regions and cities facing up to the Euro. Brussels. Conti, S. (1993): Effetto città, vol. II. L'Europa nella transizione post-socialist. Turin (Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli). Conti, S.; Dematteis, G.; Emanuel, C. (1995): The development of areal and network systems. In: Dematteis, G.; Guarrasi, V. (eds.): Urban networks. Geo-Italy 2. Bologne (Pátron), 45-68. Conti, S.; Spriano, G. (eds.) (1990): Effetto città, vol. I. Sistemi urbani e innovazione: prospettive per l'Europa degli anni Novanta. Turin (Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli). Cortie, C. (1993): European capital cities, a league of their own? In: Waagenar, M.; Cortie, C.; Dijkink, G.J. (eds.): Capital cities in Europe: vistas, worries and interrogations. Amsterdam (Centre for the Metropolitan Environment), 59-73. Council of Europe, Steering Committee on Local and Regional Authorities (CDLR) (1996): The status of major cities and their peripheries. Strasbourg (Council of Europe Press). (= Local and Regional Authorities in Europe (Council of Europe), 59) Cséfalvay, Z. (1999): Die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der österreichischen Großstädte: theoretische Ansätze und empirische Befunde. Wien (Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften). (= ISR-Forschungsberichte, 19) Cuadrado-Roura, J.R.; Rubalcaba-Bermejo, L. (1998): Specialization and competition amongst European cities: a new approach through fair and exhibition activities. In: Regional Studies, 32, 133-147. Daniels, P.W.; Dinteren, J.H.J. van; Monnoyor, M.C. (1992): Consultancy services and the urban hierarchy in Western Europe. In: Environment and Planning A, 24, 1731-1748. DATAR (ed.) (1994): Dossier prospective et territoires. Paris (La Documentation française). De Lavergne, F.; Mollet, P. (1991): The international development of intermediate sized cities in Europe: strategies and networks. In: Ekistics, 58, 368-381. De Roo, P. (1994): Quatre scénarios pour les villes d'Europe entre réseau et territoire. In: DATAR (ed.): Dossier prospective et territoires. Paris (La Documentation française), 77-96. De Smidt, M.; Mark, R. van der (1991): European metropolises in competition for offices: the functional network of cities and real estate market indicators. In: Geojournal, 24, 247-256. De Smidt, M.; Mark, R. van der (1991): Internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit europäischer Metropolen als Managementzentren. In: Blotevogel, H.H. (ed.): Europäische Regionen im Wandel. Strukturelle Erneuerung, Raumordnung und Regionalpolitik im Europa der Regionen. Dortmund. (= Duisburger Geographische Arbeiten, 9), 69-83. Dematteis, G. (1996): Towards a metropolitan urban system in Europe: core centrality versus network distributed centrality. In: Pumain, D.; Saint-Julien, Th. (eds.): Urban networks in Europe. Paris (John Libbey), 19-28. Dematteis, G. (1997): Représentations spatiales de l’urbanisation européenne. In: A. Bagnasco; P. Le Galès (eds.): Villes en Europe. Paris (La Découverte), 67-96. Dematteis, G.; Guarrasi, V. (eds.) (1995): Urban networks. Geo-Italy 2. Bologne (Pátron). Di Meo, G. (1992): Les metropoles des pays developpes. In: Bailly, A. et al. (eds.): Encyclopédie de géographie. (Economica), 715-730. Dickinson, R.E. (1967): The city region in Western Europe. London (Routledge & Kegan Paul). Dunford, M.; Kafkalas, G. (eds.) (1992): Cities and regions in the new Europe: the global-local interplay and spatial development strategies. London (Belhaven). Dunford, M.; Perrons, D. (1994): Regional inequality, regimes of accumulation and economic development in contemporary Europe. In: Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, NS 19, 163-182. Dupuy, G.; Stransky, V. (1996): Cities and highway networks in Europe. In: Journal of Transport Geography, 4, 107-121. Équipe PARIS (1993): Le poids économique des villes dans le système urbain européen. In: Sallez, A. (ed.): Les villes, lieux d’Europe. La Tour d’Aigues (DATAR/Éditions de l'Aube), 19-65. European Commission (1997): Towards an urban agenda in the European Union. (see http://www.inforegio.cec.eu.int/urban/forum/src/ppaper01.htm, accessed 19 July 1999) Ewers, H.J.; Goddard, J.B.; Matzerath, H. (eds.) (1986): The future of the metropolis: Berlin - London - Paris - New York. Economic aspects. Berlin, New York (de Gruyter). Fassmann, H. (1999): Eurometropolen - Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede. In: Geographische Rundschau, 51, 518-522. Friedrichs, J. (1988): Large cities in Eastern Europe. In: Dogan, Mattei; Kasarda, John D. (eds.): The metropolis era. Volume 1: A world of giant cities. Newbury Park (Sage), 128-154. GEMACA (1996): North West European metropolitan regions: geographical boundaries and economic structures. Paris (IAURIF). Getimis, P.; Kafkalas, G. (eds.) (1993): Urban and regional development in the new Europe. Athena (Topos). Goddard, J.B. (1995): Information and communication technologies, corporate hierarchies and urban hierarchies in the new Europe. In: Brotchie, J.; Batty, M.; Blakely, E.; Hall, P.; Newton, P. (eds.): Cities in competition. Productive and sustainable cities for the 21st century. Melbourne (Longman Australia), 127-138. Gottmann, J. (1991): The dynamics of city networks in an expanding world. In: Ekistics, 58, 277-281. Hall, P. (1988): Urban growth and decline in Western Europe. In: Dogan, Mattei; Kasarda, John D. (eds.): The metropolis era. Volume 1: A world of giant cities. Newbury Park (Sage), 111-127. Hall, P. (1993): Forces shaping urban Europe. In: Urban Studies, 30, 883-898. Hall, P. (1995): The future of cities in Western Europe. In: European Review, 3, 161-169. Hall, P.; Hay, D. (1980): Growth centers in the European urban system. Berkeley (Berkeley University Press). Harding, A. (1997): Urban regimes in a Europe of the cities? In: European Urban and Regional Studies, 4, 291-314. Harding, A.; Dawson, J.; Evans, R.; Parkinson, M. (eds.) (1994): European cities towards 2000: profiles, policies and prospects. Manchester (Manchester University Press). Hardt, H.; Klaesener, R. (eds.) (1996): Die europäische Stadt auf der Schwelle zum 3. Jahrtausend: Stadterneuerung und Bevölkerungsentwicklung. 1. Xantener Stadtkongress 1995, Europäische Schule für Städteplanung Dortmund (Verlag Praxiswissen). Hawkey, N. (1994): London, Paris, Frankfurt and Berlin: land use planning and the battle for supremacy between Europe's financial centres. Reading (College of Estate Management). Healey & Baker (1997): European cities monitor: Europe's top cities executive summary. London. Hohenberg, P.M.; Lees, L.H. (1995): The making of urban Europe 1000-1994. Cambridge, Mass., London (Harvard University Press). Jensen-Butler, C.; Shachar, A.; Weesep, J. van (eds.) (1997): European cities in competition. Aldershot (Avebury). (= Studies of Science in Europe) Klaassen, L.H. (1987): The future of the larger European towns. In: Urban Studies, 24, 251-257. Krätke, S. (1991): Strukturwandel der Städte: Städtesystem und Grundstücksmarkt in der "post-fordistischen" Ära. Frankfurt/Main, New York (Campus). Krätke, S. (1992): Hierarchie und Vernetzung im europäischen Städtesystem. Überarbeitete Fassung eines Vortrages zur Konferenz "Policies and institutions for the development of cities and regions in the single European market", September 1992 in Spetses, Griechenland. Hamburg (Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg). (= Forschungsprojekt Strukturwandel und Innovation in der Wirtschaftsregion Hamburg, 13) Krätke, S. (1995): Stadt - Raum - Ökonomie. Einführung in aktuelle Problemfelder der Stadtökonomie und Wirtschaftsgeographie. Basel. (= Stadtforschung aktuell, 53) Krätke, S. (1997): Globalisierung und Stadtentwicklung in Europa. In: Geographische Zeitschrift, 85, 143-158. Krätke, S. (1999): Internationales Städtesystem im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. In: Wollmann, H.; Roth, R. (eds.): Kommunalpolitik: politisches Handeln in den Gemeinden. Opladen (Leske), 378-394. Krugman, P. (1993): On the number and location of cities. In: European Economic Review, 37, 293-298. Kunzmann, K.R. (1992): Zur Entwicklung der Stadtsysteme in Europa. In: Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 134, 25-50. Kunzmann, K.R. (1994): Europäische Städtenetze. In: Stadtforum Journal, 14, 6-8. Kunzmann, K.R. (1996): Euro-megalopolis or Themepark Europe? Scenarios for European spatial development. In: International Planning Studies, 1, 143-163. Kunzmann, K.R. (1998): World city regions in Europe: Structural change and future challenges. In: Lo, Fu-chen; Yeung, Yue-man (eds.): Globalization and the world of large cities. Tokyo, New York, Paris (United Nations University Press), 37-75. Kunzmann, K.R.; Wegener, M. (1991): The pattern of urbanisation in Western Europe 1969-1990. Report for the Directorate General XVI of the Commission of the European Communities as part of the study "Urbanisation and the function of cities in the European Community". Dortmund (Institut für Raumplanung) 1991. (= Berichte aus dem Institut für Raumplanung, 28) Kunzmann, K.R.; Wegener, M. (1991): The pattern of urbanization in Europe. In: Ekistics, 58, 282-291. Laan, L. van der (1998): Changing urban systems: an empirical analysis at two spatial levels. In: Regional Studies, 32, 235-247. Lambooy, J.G. (1993): The European city: from carrefour to organisational nexus. In: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 84, 258-268. Le Galès, P.; Harding, A. (1996): Les villes et l'État en Europe. In: Wright, V.; Cassese, S. (eds.): La recomposition de l'État en Europe. Paris (La Découverte). Le Galés, P. (1998): Regulations and governance in European cities. In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 22, 482-506. Le Galès, P.; Harding, A. (1998): Cities and states in Europe. In: West European Politics, 21, 120-145. Lever, W.F. (1993): Competition within the European urban system. In: Urban Studies, 30, 935-948. Lever, W.F. (1997): Delinking urban economies: the European experience. In: Journal of Urban Affairs, 19. Lever, W.F. (1999): Competitive cities in Europe. In: Urban Studies, 36, 1029-1044. Lever, W.F.; Bailly, A. (eds.) (1996): The spatial impact of economic change in Europe. Aldershot (Avebury). Lo, F.-C.; Yeung, Y.-M. (eds.) (1998): Globalization and the world of large cities. Tokyo, New York, Paris (United Nations University Press). Masser, I.; Ove, S.; Wagner, M. (1992): The geography of Europe's futures. London (Belhaven Press). McNeill, D. (1999): Globalization and the European city. In: Cities, 16, 143-147. Meer, L. van der (1998): Red octopus. In: W. Blaas (ed.): A new perspective for European spatial development policies. Aldershot (Ashgate), 9-25. Meijer, M. (1993): Growth and decline of European cities: changing positions of cities in Europe. In: Urban Studies, 30, 981-990. Meusburger, P. (1993): The relationship between city size of the place of work and the qualification structure of jobs in cities of western and eastern Europe. In: Trends and prospects of world urbanization. Proceedings of the Nihon University International Symposium "Trends and Prospects of World Urbanization" 1992. Tokyo, 147-177. Morata, F. (1997): The Euro-region and the C-6 network: the new politics of sub-national cooperation in the West-Mediterranean Area. In: Keating, M.; Loughlin, J. (eds.): The political economy of regionalism. London (Frank Cass), 292-305. Moriconi-Ebrard, F. (1993): L ‘urbanisation du monde. Paris (Anthropos). Musil, J. (1993): Changing urban systems in post-communist societies in Central Europe: analysis and prediction. In: Urban Studies, 30, 899-905. NUREC (Network on Urban Research in the European Union) (n.d.): Atlas of agglomerations in the European Union. Vols. 1-3. Duisburg. O'Loughlin, J. (1993): Between Stuttgart and Sheffield. In: Deben, L.; Heinemeijer, E.; Vaart, D. van der (eds.): Understanding Amsterdam: essays on economic vitality, city life & urban form. Amsterdam (Spinhuis), 25-68. Palmer, A. (1998): Eastern Europe's emerging cities: operating outside the region's capitals. London (Economist Intelligence Unit). (= Research report, no P827) Palomäki, M. (1991): On the possible future West European capital. In: Geojournal, 24, 257-267. Piccolomini, M. (1993): Metropolitan development, peripheral growth processes and megalopolitan integration. In: Rivista Geografica Italiana, 100, 565-588. Puga, D. (1998): Urbanization patterns: European versus less developed countries. In: Journal of Regional Science, 38, 231-252. Pumain, D.; Godard, F. (eds.) (1996): Données urbaines. Paris (Anthropos). Pumain, D.; Rozenblat, C.; Moriconi-Ebrard, F. (1996): La trame des villes en France et en Europe. In: Pumain, D.; Godard, F. (eds.): Données urbaines. Paris (Anthropos), 279-287. Pumain, D.; Saint-Julien, Th. (eds.) (1996): Urban networks in Europe. Paris (John Libbey). Rebitzer, D.W. (1995): Internationale Steuerungszentralen. Die führenden Städte im System der Weltwirtschaft. Nürnberg (Selbstverlag des Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeographischen Instituts der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg). (= Nürnberger Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeographische Arbeiten, 49) Rozenblat, C. (1996): La mise en réseau des villes au niveau européen. In: Pumain, D.; Saint-Julien, Th. (eds.): Urban networks in Europe. Paris (John Libbey), 85-101. Rozenblat, C.; Pumain, D. (1993): The location of multinational firms in the European urban system. In: Urban Studies, 30, 1691-1709. Rubalcaba-Bermejo, L.; Cuadrado-Roura, J.R. (1995): Urban hierarchies and territorial competition in Europe: exploring the role of fairs and exhibitions. In: Urban Studies, 32, 379-400. Ruby, C. (1995): Cite, metropole ou megalopole dans l'Europe contemporaine. In: Raison Presente, 114, 81-93. Ryser, J. (1994): The future of European capitals: knowledge based development: Berlin - London - Paris: issues and viewpoints based on the Anglo-Franco-German seminar held at the Goethe-Institut London on 9-11 June 1993. London. Sallez, A. (ed.) (1993): Les villes, lieux d’Europe. La Tour d’Aigues (DATAR/Éditions de l'Aube). (= Monde en cours: Série Prospective et territoires) Shachar, A. (1996): European world cities. In: Lever, W.F.; Bailly, A. (eds.): The spatial impact of economic change in Europe. Aldershot (Avebury), 145-177. Sinz, M. (1992): Europäische Integration und Raumentwicklung in Deutschland. In: Geographische Rundschau, 44, 686-690. Städte und Städtesysteme in Mittel- und Südosteuropa. Leipzig (Institut für Länderkunde) 1996. (= Beiträge zur regionalen Geographie, 39) Taylor, P.J.; Hoyler, M. (1999): The spatial order of European cities under conditions of contemporary globalization. GaWC Research Bulletin 16 (http://www.lboro.ac.uk/gawc/rb/rb16.html) Tsenkova, S. (1999): Sustainable urban development in Europe: myth or reality? In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 23, 361-364. UN-ECE (1998): Major trends characterising human settlements development in the ECE region. Geneva, New York (United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe). Veltz, P. (1996): Mondialisation, villes et territoires. L'économie d'archipel. Paris (Presses Universitaires de France). Veltz, P. (1997): Les villes européennes dans l’économie mondiale. In: A. Bagnasco; P. Le Galès (eds.): Villes en Europe. Paris (La Découverte), 47-65. Waagenar, M.; Cortie, C.; Dijkink, G.J. (eds.) (1993): Capital cities in Europe: vistas, worries and interrogations. Amsterdam (Centre for the Metropolitan Environment). Weesep, J. van; Dielemann, F.M. (1993): Evolving urban Europe: Editors' introduction to the special issue. In: Urban Studies, 30, 877-882. Wegener, M. (1995): The changing urban hierarchy in Europe. In: Brotchie, J.; Batty, M.; Blakely, E.; Hall, P.; Newton, P. (eds.): Cities in competition. Productive and sustainable cities for the 21st century. Melbourne (Longman Australia), 139-160. Wiedemann, U. (1995): Europäische Städtenetzwerke: ausgewählte Beispiele. Berlin (Difu (Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik)). Wolf, K. (ed.) (1989): Zum System und zur Dynamik hochrangiger Zentren im nationalen und internationalen Maßstab. Frankfurt am Main. (= Frankfurter Geographische Hefte, 58) |