Centre for Work, Organisation and Society


Dr Iain Coyne BSc (Hons), PhD Hull

Photo of Dr Iain Coyne

Programme Director, Work Psychology and Business Psychology MSc programmes

Senior Lecturer in Organisational Psychology

Selection and assessment; productive and counterproductive work behaviour; bullying/cyberbullying at work

Currently, Dr Coyne is a Guest Consultant Editor for the BPS Test Reviews and co-leader for the Dignity and Respect at Work Intervention Group (DRAWING). Previously, he was Senior Editor for the British Psychological Society (BPS) Test Reviews, a member of the BPS Committee on Test Standards (2011-2016), an elected member of the Management Committee for a European COST Action on Cyber-bullying (2008-2012) and a council member of the International Test Commission (2002-2008).

Iain’s current research focusses on selection and assessment, productive and counterproductive work behaviour and bullying/cyberbullying at work. This work has included producing guidelines for internet testing, considering the role of industry in cyberbullying, development of scales and validation of scales, assessing the equivalence of a voluntary workplace behaviour scale across European countries and the impact of cyberbullying on well-being.

  • Guest Consultant Editor for the BPS Test Reviews
  • Co-leader of the Dignity and Respect at Work Intervention Group (DRAWING)

Coyne, I. J., Gopaul, A-M., Campbell, M., Pankász, A., Garland, R., & Cousans, F. (2017). Bystander responses to bullying at work: The role of mode, type and relationship to target. Journal of Business Ethics, Online First. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-017-3692-2.

Coyne, I. J., Farley, S., Axtell, C., Sprigg, C. A., Best, L., Kwok, O. (2017). Understanding the relationship between experiencing workplace cyberbullying, employee mental strain and job satisfaction: A dysempowerment approach, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(7), 945-972.

Longo, Y., Coyne, I.J., Joseph, S. (2017). The Scales of General Well-Being (SGWB), Personality and Individual Differences, 109, 148-159.

Farley, S., Coyne, I. J., Axtell, C., Sprigg, C. (2016). Design, development and validation of the workplace cyberbullying measure (WCM), Work and Stress, 30(4), 293-317.

Greenidge, D., & Coyne, I. (2014). Job stressors and voluntary work behaviours: mediating effect of emotion and moderating roles of personality and emotional intelligence. Human Resource Management Journal, 24(4), 479-495.