Statute XXV

Acts During Vacancies%+

Updated on 29 Oct 2013

No act or resolution of the Council, Senate, General Assembly or Committees or other bodies constituted in accordance with these Statutes shall be invalid by reason only of any vacancy in the body doing or passing it or by reason only of any want of qualification by or invalidity in the election or appointment of any de facto member of the body whether present or absent.

Note: Amendments allowed by the Privy Council on 30 December 1974 and 7 April 1982 are embodied in the Statutes, and are indicated by *.

Modifications made by the University Commissioners and allowed by the Privy Council on 17 November 1992 are incorporated and are indicated by †.

Amendments allowed by the Privy Council on 14 December 1993, 24 April 1996, 3 September 1998, 10 August 1999, 27 July 2001, 31 October 2001, 8 May 2003, 20 August 2007, 9 December 2009 and 12 February 2020 are embodied in the Statutes, and are indicated by ¶, #, ∞, $, ^, +, >, ~ ,% and &.