Modelling and Simulation
Find out more about some of the Advanced VR Research Centre's projects by clicking the items below.
Project: Insight Benefits of Interaction in Visual Analytics
Visual Analytics is a multi-disciplinary field that uses interactive visualisations to promote and assist the analytic reasoning and generate insights. Understanding the perceptual and cognitive factors is key to the progress in this field. This research focuses on understanding the benefits of interaction in terms of insight generation. Moreover, this investigation explores the compounding effects individual differences have with interaction when analysing data to generate insights. This study investigated the individual differences in two sets; psychometric set measures, and a sensorial preferences multimodal learning style.
Big Data - Interactive Visual Analytics
Big data is challenging scientists and engineers as they tackle increasingly complex systems. The greater inter-connectedness of systems is adding to the challenge because of the need to process huge amounts of data which originates from many different sources and with different degrees of uncertainty. Whilst great strides have been achieved with semi-automated analysis of the data it is often the human that makes sense of the data. Consequently, our research is exploring how to effectively couple the human with their data through advanced interactive visual analytics. Understanding the perceptual and cognitive factors is key to the progress in this field.
Predicting Water Supply/Demand Across a 10 Year Cycle Through Visual Analytics
The changing global climate and growing population is challenging the resilience of water supply systems across the UK. This project describes the data mining and modeling of domestic water demand based on previous consumption profile and weather forecasts.
Designing for Adaptability and evolutioN in System of systems Engineering DANSE
DANSE focuses on the development of a new methodology to support evolving, adaptive and iterative System of Systems (SoS) life-cycle models based on a formal semantics for SoS inter-operations and supported by novel tools for analysis, simulation, and optimisation.
EU FP7 DANSE: Integrated Water Treatment Systems
Human life is critically dependant on availability of clean drinking water. However, in certain parts of the world the effects of population growth, population movement and climate change is putting the supply of water at risk. This project looks at how to create a resilient architecture for future water supply networks.
Using architecture patterns to architect and analyze systems of systems
This project is researching and developing architecture patterns to architect and analyze systems in order that we can compare different architecture solutions and provide guidelines for the development of a future architectures based on the analysis of existing architectures.
EU FP7 DANSE: Emergency Response - System of Systems
Emergency response provision is essential to ensuring a safe and resilient society. The underpinning systems architecture is key to ensuring interoperability between the different service providers and also their evolution as populations increase in urban and rural areas. Faster response times are demanded by the population at large while Governments try to balance costs against efficiencies without compromising safety. Designing an optimal emergency response provision is an extremely difficult undertaking with a significant number of design parameters to consider. The DANSE project is developing special tools that will help tackle the design of future complex SoS.
Project: Managing Supply Chain Disruptions using Systems Dynamics Modelling
This is a joint research project between the AVRRC and Loughborough Business School to develop a dynamic capability to manage supply chain disruptions using the systems dynamic approach to make them more resilient. Supply chain disruptions not only affect business profitability, but in the past have also been a major cause for some companies shutting down or losing value at the stock market. Minimising supply chain disruptions also means that the security of supply is maximised, which in the case of essential items viz. water, energy, food, healthcare is a necessity. Hence, this project will strive to develop a capability that can manage supply chain disruptions in real-time.
EU FP7 DANSE: Air Traffic Management
Air traffic management (ATM) is becoming an increasingly complex system of systems (SoS). involving the management of information exchanges between ground (Air Traffic Control operator) and air (pilot), for the update of flights plans, in different operational scenarios, corresponding to different levels of criticality.