
EU FP7 DANSE: Integrated Water Treatment Systems
Human life is critically dependant on availability of clean drinking water. However, in certain parts of the world the effects of population growth, population movement and climate change is putting the supply of water at risk. Also, the dynamic behaviour and often unpredictable nature of weather, which ranges from drought to flood conditions places ever increasing tough challenges on the water supply companies as they try to balance supply/demand against factors such as cost of delivery of appropriate water quality. In many countries there is tremendous variation in availability of water across the whole country. For example, it is common to discover regions with a plentiful supply of water whilst other regions are in drought conditions. Establishing local reservoirs to take account of this takes considerable planning and prediction to ensure future needs are met. The big question is can and how to create a future proof architecture for a water supply network?
The Challenge
The complexity involved in managing a water supply network is illustrated in Figure 1, which provides hints into the resulting SoS. The number of constituent systems employed in such an integrated water supply network can exceed hundreds (geographical dispersion), they are typically installed and upgraded over a long period of time, perhaps over many decades (operational independence and evolutionary development). In addition, the constituent systems are typically owned by dozens or hundreds of private and governmental entities (managerial independence). Despite this fragmentation, these systems appear to work together to provide efficient utilisation of water within a multi-national region (emerging behaviour). In the case of Israel it is worth noting that the component systems have been interconnected for years, but the design of coordinated operation started only when a regional water authority was created in 2001.
This project forms part of the larger EU FP7 funded project DANSE.
Aims & Objectives
This project will apply the methodologies, techniques and tools being developed by DANSE to show how these can be used to evolve highly reslient integrated water treatment systems.
Using the DANSE methodology and toolset it is planned to develop a dynamic water treatment systems architecture.
More details in due course.
AVRRC input into the Project
The AVRRC is responsible for the SOS architecture aspects of the project, including mining and developing appropriate architecture patterns that can be used in the architecture optimisation process.
This project is currently on-going and public dissemination of the results will be made available at the conclusion of the project.
Details to be published in due course.
Project Consortium
The DANSE project consortium includes:
- Advanced Laboratory on Embedded Systems s.r.l.
- Carmeq - GMBH
- EADS deutschland - GMBH
- European aeronautic defence and space company eads - france sas
- IBM Israel - Science and Technology Ltd
- Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique - France
- Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd
- Loughborough University
- Sodius SAS
- Thales SA
>> Click here for further details
Additional Report
The follwoing report was issued follwowing a recent UK-Israel Innovation Workshop. The report is also available from UK-Israel Tech Hub of the British Embassy in Israel