Antimicrobial Resistance Research


18 March 2016

Diagnostic Workshop

Presented By Loughborough AMR Network

About this event

Through our EPSRC funded project (EP/M027341/1) ‘Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance: An Interdisciplinary Approach’, we are a organising a diagnostics focused workshop on 18th March 2016. There is a pressing need for diagnostics to reduce the unnecessary use of antibiotics e.g. to treat viral infections.   See recent report 

Diagnostics for AMR is a highly interdisciplinary and competitive research area. We want to engage colleagues from across different disciplines to see what Loughborough’s offering in this area may be in anticipation of future funding calls expected under the MRC lead UKRC cross-council initiative: See here 

The main focus of the workshop is to get internal Loughborough colleagues to engage with the AMR diagnostics challenge – there will be about 30 or so places. We have invited 4 external experts covering AMR diagnostics and clinical aspects to help with understanding the AMR diagnostic challenges. The event will be facilitated by an external facilitation company viadynamics.

We want to identify key academics at Loughborough that could contribute towards building a large interdisciplinary research team. The workshop will provide pump priming funding for 2 to 3  grants at £3k level to encourage consortium building.

Numbers are limited and we want a broad spectrum of different disciplines hence attendance at the workshop will be by invitation only. 

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