GaWC Project 91

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TIGER - Territorial Impact of Globalization for Europe and its Regions

Funded by: ESPON Applied Research Project 2013/1/1 - Continental Territorial Structures and Flows (Globalization) (2010-2012)

Grant holders: Kathy Pain (University of Reading); six participating institutions (lead: IGEAT, Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Experts: Peter Taylor, Michael Hoyler (Loughborough University) and Colin Lizieri (University of Cambridge)


GaWC is participating in this major two-year EU funded project through Associate Director of Applied Studies in the Spatial Planning Unit, Kathy Pain, ALDAR Professor of Real Estate Development in the Henley Business School, University of Reading. GaWC Director Professor Peter Taylor, GaWC Associate Director Michael Hoyler and Professor Colin Lizieri, University of Cambridge, are participating experts.

Together with five other partners in France (UMR Normandie), Sweden (CESIS), Italy (Sapienza, University of Rome), Bulgaria (Academy of Sciences), led by IGEAT/ULB Belgium, the research is analyzing the impact of globalization on Europe's territorial structures and the ways in which its territories are positioning Europe in the world.

Highly innovative approaches, data and analyses have been brought together in order to shed light on the multi-level connections and interactions that are shaping European global, place-flow interrelations in a time and comparative perspective.

The diverse data analyses include: Regional trade statistics and the international division of labour using value chain analyses focusing on functions in addition to sectors; global financial flows and the spatial consequences of the financial crisis focusing on stock exchange and real estate markets at the city level; global knowledge flows using indicators such as high value goods, license payments, patents and citations; human mobility (highly qualified labour, females, students); the role of gateways (financial, maritime and air); and cooperation between Europe and the rest of the world (official EU treaties, networks of excellence etc.).

The results of the study will be examined in a political context in order to identify their relevance for policy on European competitiveness and cohesion.

For results of this project, see TIGER Final Report.