Loughborough University
Leicestershire, UK
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 263171

University Committees

Research Committee

Terms of reference

As a Committee of Senate it shall be required to act in an executive and advisory capacity in the initiation, promotion and development of research in the University in accordance with the current Strategic Plan, and in particular:

  1. To develop and support a co-ordinated strategy for the growth of high quality research in the University and make recommendations to Operations Committee on the resource and budget implications of this strategy.
  2. To identify new areas of potential growth and opportunities, especially in multi-disciplinary activity and to build upon existing strengths in high quality research.
  3. To monitor and evaluate research performance across the University, and to take action to ensure quality improvement.
  4. To monitor the performance of interdisciplinary research schools and to make recommendations on the continuation of existing research schools and the establishment of new ones.
  5. To monitor the performance of the Graduate School and to ensure that it is effective in providing quality procedures and in enhancing the research student experience.
  6. To review and evaluate the processes for the recruitment, admission and monitoring of postgraduate research students.
  7. To keep under review the external influences on the development of research, including HEFCE, Research Council and European Union policies on the funding of research in order to take maximum advantage of funding opportunities and initiatives.
  8. Via the AD(R)s, to communicate and to facilitate a dialogue with Schools and to promote awareness within the wider research community of the University.
  9. To liaise appropriately with the Learning and Teaching Committee and the Enterprise Committee where there is convergence of interests. 
  10. To ensure that the University provides an environment, facilities and staff to deliver high quality research.
  11. To report to Senate.


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