
Sound Theme Summit Seminar given by Visiting Fellow Dr Enrique Lopez-Poveda

As part of the first IAS Sound Theme Summit, Dr Enrique Lopez-Poveda, visiting fellow, will deliver a Sound seminar

Dr Lopez-Poveda will be visiting the Institute of Advanved Studies on Thursday 24th October to deliver a seminar on "What the brain tells the ears at a cocktail party: Better hearing in noise with brain inspired auditory prosthesis". 

Dr Enrique Lopez-Poveda– Universidad de Salamanca, Spain (22-26 October 2019)

Dr Lopez-Poveda is Professor of Otorhinolaryngology at the University of Salamanca (Spain), Director of the Auditory Computation and Psychoacoustics Laboratory of the Neuroscience Institute of Castilla y León, Director of the Audiology Group of the Biomedical Research Institute of Salamanca, and the founder and Director of the Audiology Diploma of the University of Salamanca. As part of the Sound Theme, Dr Lopez-Poveda will be hosted by Dr Christian Fullgrabe (Sport, Health and Exercise Science) and during his visit will deliver a Seminar as part of the first Sound Summit.

This event is open to all and will follow the IAS Friends and Fellows coffee morning. Lunch will be provided - please let Laura Dale know if you have any dietary requirements (

Contact and booking details

Laura Dale
Telephone number
01509 228598
Email address
Booking required?