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Loughborough advises parents to keep calm, stay positive and help with research
With thousands of parents waiting anxiously for their son or daughter’s exam results, Loughborough University is offering them a few words of advice to help guide them through the Clearing and Adjustment period.
“If a student has narrowly missed the conditions of their offer there is still a chance that they will be considered either for the course they applied for or an alternative related programme,” explains Sarah Hannaford, Head of Student Recruitment and Admissions at Loughborough University.
“If the university is unable to accept them, they will be released to take up their insurance place or enter Clearing – the process through which students without a confirmed place are matched at universities who have places available on their courses.
“We know that this can be an incredibly stressful time for students and their parents, so we wanted to give some words of reassurance to help people through the process.”
- Ensure your child is available on results day to make calls and research courses if necessary
- Advise your son or daughter to check the status of their application on UCAS Track before doing anything else on results day. Remind them to have their login details to hand.
- While students have to act promptly there’s no reason to panic. Stress that they should consider what is offered carefully.
- Stay positive and support your son or daughter in identifying universities with places available.
- While they read up on the course, you could perhaps research the distance from home and the cost of living in a particular area, or the accommodation on offer. You could also suggest a road trip to their new university town for a look around.
- And lastly, find out more about Loughborough. Visit our website and come and see our campus at our Open house on Saturday 16 August. Check out our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and have a look at our YouTube channel.
“It’s likely that Clearing will involve some compromises,” says Sarah, “but there’s no need for you to worry on your son or daughter’s behalf. They may be setting off for a different university, to study a different course, but the opportunities to meet new friends and get involved in student life remain the same and with your reassurance and support they can make the most of every minute!”
Why choose Loughborough – see our dedicated Clearing website