Student Workshop: 'Globalization, World Cities and China (GaWC+C)'

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1st GaWC Student Workshop

Globalization, World Cities and China (GaWC+C)

15 January 2007, Loughborough University

The Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network (GaWC), based in the Geography Department at Loughborough University, focuses upon the external relations of world cities. Although the world/global city literature is premised upon the existence of world-wide transactions, most of the research effort has gone into studying the internal structures of individual cities and comparative analyses of the same. Relations between cities have been neglected by world cities researchers; GaWC has been formed to aid in rectifying this situation (see Formative Missions for GaWC).

Urbanisation is a prominent feature of China's rapid economic development. Cities in China are also gaining increasing international scholarly attention, many of them are said to have the potential of becoming global cities. What roles do they play in the world city network and how are they influencing inter-city linkages within Asia?

GaWC is hosting its 9th Annual Lecture by Professor Fulong WU, Professor of East Asian Planning and Development and the Director of the Urban China Research Centre at Cardiff University, one of the leading academics in the field. The lecture will take place at Loughborough University on 15 January 2007.

In conjuction with this lecture, a workshop will be held on the same day to provide an opportunity for students (PhD, postgraduate and undergraduate) to discuss issues on Globalization, World Cities and China (GaWC+C) by exchanging and sharing their research ideas and work experiences in an informal and friendly environment. This will be facilitated by a number of senior researchers (e.g. Professors Wu, Peter Taylor, Jon Beaverstock and Michael Hoyler) and early-stage researchers.

We would like to invite you to participate in this event and to present and discuss your research interests / projects with other students. Possible themes include:

1) Globalization and Chinese Cities

2) Chinese Cities in the World City Network

3) Urbanization in China

4) Transnationalism and Migration between China and other parts of the world

5) Financial Centres and Globalization in China

6) Globalization and World Cities in general

We also welcome research topics from other related fields and non-presenting participants, so please do feel free to contact us if you are interested in joining this event. Our aim is to create a sustainable network and dialogue for students who are interested in GaWC+C.

Due to the limited time, we would like to ask you to send your expression of interest and introductions to your research interests / thesis topics (150 words) to either one of the coordinators: Wei Shen ( or Karen Lai ( by 18 December 2006, by using the form below.

There will be no registration fees for this event (including the participation at the GaWC Annual Lecture), and refreshments (tea, coffee & biscuits) will also be provided during the conference free of charge thanks to the generous sponsorship by the Geography Department of Loughborough University. However, we regret that you will have to finance your own travel, other meals or lodging costs if necessary.

Thank you very much for your attention and we hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

Wei Shen, PhD Candidate, Department of Geography, Loughborough University
Karen Lai, PhD Candidate, School of Geography, University of Nottingham


Tentative Programme

10:00 Registration and Tea and Coffee (getting to know each other)

10:30 Welcome by Professor Jon Beaverstock, Head of Department

10:45 Workshop I

12:15 Coffee Break

12:45 Brown Bag Lunch Seminar with Professors Peter Taylor and Jon Beaverstock, Co-Directors, GaWC

13:30 Break

13:45 Workshop II or Discussions on Doing Fieldwork in China

15:00 GaWC Annual Lecture – Professor Fulong Wu

16:15 Post-lecture Drinks

16:45 Roundtable discussions and reflections from the early workshops with Professor Wu

18:30 Social gathering – Dinner in Loughborough

Registration Form:





Contact number:


Research interests / thesis topics:

Dinner required? (Vegetarian etc.):

Need information about accommodation in Loughborough?

(Wei may be able to provide limited free overnight accommodation, please email him directly)