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These data describe the distribution of offices for 46 'global' advanced producer service firms over world cities in the three main 'globalization arenas': Europe, Pacific Asia, and North America. Global firms are defined by having offices in at least 15 different cities. World cities/cities showing evidence of world city formation are from the GaWC inventory of world cities (see GaWC Research Bulletin 6). Service values for a firm in a city are given as 3, 2, 1 or 0 as defined in Data Set 4. These data are an experimental set of data derived from Data Set 4 (43 of the firms qualify as global) but with three additional law firms added which do not have London offices. For publications that make use of these data, see GaWC Research Bulletin 16 and GaWC Research Bulletin 21.
As per our data protocol, the following acknowledgement should accompany any public use of the data: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The data were created by P.J. Taylor, D.R.F. Walker and M. Hoyler as part of the project "The Regional Dimension in World City Network Formation" and are based on primary data collected by J.V. Beaverstock, R.G. Smith and P.J. Taylor (ESRC project "The Geographical Scope of London as a World City" (R000222050)). They constitute Data Set 8 of the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network (http://www.lboro.ac.uk/gawc/) publication of inter-city data.