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These data constitute part of the analysis in GaWC Research Bulletin No. 146 “Leading World Cities: Empirical Evaluations of Urban Nodes in Multiple Networks”. The data collection was modeled on GaWC Data Set 11 but focuses, literally, on the construction of contemporary world cities. As a first step in identifying engineering/architectural firms with global practices, the lists of firms published annually by Engineering News Record and World Architecture. This produced a total of 245 firms for investigation for 2003. Firms without a ‘global strategy' – defined as having offices on at least three continents - were eliminated. Of the remaining firms, 61 had adequate web sites for data collection. Taking each firm separately, city offices were evaluated and allocated scores ranging from 0 (no presence) to 5 (headquarters). Cities with ordinary or typical offices are allocated 2; minor offices are then identified and score 1; major offices score 3 or 4, the latter score reserved for cities whose offices have important regional-level functions. This created a very sparse matrix because many small cities had some presence but not very much. Hence cities were included that had a score total of at least 5. There were 234 cities that qualified. The final matrix arrays 61 engineering/architectural firms across 234 cities showing global practice values. Download Data Set: [Excel ]
As per our data protocol, the following acknowledgement should accompany any public use of the data: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The data were produced by P.L. Knox, P.J. Taylor and E. Milfeit and constitute Data Set 13 of the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network (http://www.lboro.ac.uk/gawc/) publication of inter-city data. |