GaWC Data Set 11

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World City Network: The Basic Data

P.J. Taylor and G. Catalano

These data constitute the empirical basis for measuring the world city network as described in P.J. Taylor (2004) World City Network: A Global Urban Analysis (London: Routledge). They were collected as part of GaWC Research Project 10 to replace the experimental data given in GaWC Data Set 6. Their production is described in detail in GaWC Research Bulletin 43.

These data were collected in 2000. They are the service values (indicating the importance of a city in the office network of a firm) of 100 global service firms distributed across 315 cities worldwide. All firms supply advanced producer services (accountancy, advertising, banking/finance, insurance, law, and management consultancy) through offices in at least 15 cities (including at least one in each of Pacific Asia, western Europe and northern America).

The following information is given to help understand and evaluate the data:

  1. The list of global service firms (the “GaWC 100”)
  2. The list of cities
  3. The decision making criteria for coding service values firm by firm

These data have been used in GaWC Research Bulletins 50, 55, 56, 58, 61, 62, 75, 76, 77, 88, 89, 94, 96, 98, 105, 112, 113, 116, 125, 126, 129, 144, 146

Download Data Set as: [Excel Excel file] [CSV csv file]

Download Macro for calculating connectivities in Excel: [Instructions pdf file] [Macro xla file]
(E.C. Rossi and C.C.C. Rossi)

As per our data protocol, the following acknowledgement should accompany any public use of the data:

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The data were produced by P.J. Taylor and G. Catalano and constitute Data Set 11 of the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network ( publication of inter-city data.