Global Cities and Society

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J.V. Beaverstock, Department of Geography, Loughborough University, UK

Keywords: globalisation, cities, London, New York

This 10 credit 32 contact hour module is taught by Dr Jonathan V. Beaverstock on the various undergraduate B.Sc. Geography degree programmes (including Single Honours Geography; Joint Honours Geography with Physical Education and Sports Science; Combined Honours Geography with Economics). Total student effort on this module exceeds 100 hours.


The aim of this module is for the student to be provided with an explanation of how a number of major cities around the world have grown in prominence and authority because of the globalization of manufacturing and service industries, labour market restructuring, the agglomeration of finance, business and money, and the rapid development of information technology and telematics.


On completion of the module students should be able to:

  1. read, understand, criticise and debate the theoretical/thematic issues addressing global cities in the world economy;
  2. criticise, analyse and interpret both qualitative and quantitative data;
  3. develop communication skills in both group and individual circumstances;
  4. write a logical and detailed essay, drawing upon a wide range of documents and data sources;
  5. use the World Wide Web, especially the GaWC website.


The module is divided into two main parts: the first part provides a series of lectures which concentrates on the growth of global cities; and the second part focuses on the socio-economic and cultural geographies of London and New York City. The lecture programme reads as follows:

  1. Globalization and Cities and the Space Economy
  2. Globalization and Global-City Formation
  3. Globalization and Centralization of Manufacturing and Service TNC Headquarters
  4. Globalization and the Intensity/Centrality of Advanced Producer Services
  5. Globalization, Immigration and Labour Market Polarisation
  6. London as Global City
  7. International Financial Centres: The City of London
  8. New York as Global City
  9. Manhattan and the Financial District
  10. New York's Cultural Economy
  11. Rethinking Globalization and Global Cities


Key Text Book Readings

Allen J, Massey D and Pryke M (1999) Unsettling Cities (Routledge, London)

Beauregard R A (ed) (1989) Atop the Urban Hierarchy (Rowman & Littlefield, New Jersey)

Brotchie J, Batty M, Blakely E, Hall, P and Newton P (Eds) (1995) Cities in Competition (Longman, Melbourne)

Budd L and Whimster S (Eds) (1992) Global Finance and Urban Living (Routledge, London)

Corbridge S, Martin R and Thrift N (eds) (1994) Money, Power and Space (Blackwell, Oxford)

Cybriwsky R (1991) Tokyo (Pinter Pub., London)

Davis M (1990) City of Quartz. Excavating the Future in Los Angeles (Verso, London)

Fainstein S S (1994) The City Builders (Blackwell, Oxford)

Fainstein S S, Gordon I and Harloe M (Eds) (1992) New York and London in the Contemporary World (Blackwell, Oxford)

Fu-Chen Lo and Yue-Man Yeung (1998) Globalization and the World of Large Cities (United Nations University Press, New York)

Gravsteijn S G E, Griensven van S and de Smidt M C (1998) Timing Global Cities (Nederlandse Geografische Studies 241, Utrecht)

Hall P (1983) The World Cities (Heinemann, London)

HMSO (1991) London. World City Moving into the 21st Century (HMSO, London)

Hoggart K and Green D R (eds) (1991) London (Edward Arnold, Sevenoaks)

Knight R V and Gappert G (Eds) (1989) Cities in a Global Society (Sage, London)

Llewelyn-Davies (1997) Four World Cities (Comedia, London)

Sassen S (1991) The Global Cities (Princeton University Press, Princeton)

Sassen S (1994) Cities in a World Economy (Sage, London)

Short J R and Hyun Kim Y (1999) Globalization and the City (Longman Harlow)

Zukin S (1988) Loft Living (Radius, London)

Zukin S (1991) Landscapes of Power (UCP, Berkeley)

General Readings on Urban Hierarchies, Producer Services, Labour Markets, Polarisation, Information Technology and Policy

Allen J and Hamnett C (Eds) (1995) A Shrinking World (Oxford: Open University Press)

Brotchie J, Batty M, Blakely E, Hall, P and Newton P (Eds) (1995) Cities in Competition (Longman, Melbourne)

Castells I (1989) The Information City (Basil Blackwell, London)

Corbridge S, Martin R and Thrift N (eds) (1994) Money, Power and Space (Blackwell, Oxford)

Daniels P (ed) (1991) Services and Metropolitan Development. International Perspectives (Routledge, London)

Daniels P W (1993) Service Industries in the World Economy (Blackwell, Oxford)

Dear M and Scott A (eds) (1981) Urbanisation and Urban Planning in Capitalist Society (Methuen, London)

Dicken P (1998) Global Shift (PCP, London) 3rd Ed.

Dogan M and Kasarda J (eds) (1988) The Metropolis Era (Two Vols.) (Sage, Newbury Park)

Hall P (1983) The World Cities (Heinemann, London)

Johnston R J, Taylor P J and Watts M J (Eds) (1995) Geographies of Global Change (Blackwell, Oxford)

Leyshon A and Thrift N (1997) Money/Space (Routledge, London)

Sassen S (1988) The Mobility of Labour and Capital (CUP, Cambridge)

General Readings on London

Brownhill S (1990) Developing London’s Docklands: Another Great Planning Disaster? (PCP, London)

Cairncross F and McRea H (1984) Capital City (Methuen, London)

Coakley J and Harris L (1983) The City of Capital (Macmillian, London)

Coggan P (1986) The Money Machine: How the City Works (Penguin, Harmondsworth)

Corbridge, S, R Martin, N J Thrift (eds) (1994) Money, Power and Space (Blackwell, Oxford)

Hall P (1989) London 2001 (Unwin Hyman)

Hamilton A (1986) The Financial Revolution (Viking, London)

Henderson J and Castells M (eds) (1987) Global Restructuring and Territorial Development (Sage, Beverly Hills, CA)

HMSO (1991) London. World City Moving into the 21st Century (HMSO, London)

Hoggart K and Green D R (eds) (1991) London (Edward Arnold, Sevenoaks)

Johnston R J (Ed) (1990) Regional Geography (Routledge, London)

Michie R C (1992) The City of London (MacMillan, London)

Porter M E (1990) A Minister for London: A Capital Concept (FPL Financial, London)

Rajan A (1988) Create of Abdicate (Witherly, London)

Rajan A (1991) Capital People (Industrial Society)

Reid M (1988) All Change in the City (MacMillan, Basingstoke)

General Readings on New York, Los Angeles and Chicago

Abu-Lughod J (1994) From Urban Village to East Village. The Battle for New York’s Lower East Side (Blackwell, Oxford)

Acuna R F (1996) Anything but Mexican. Chicanos in Contemporary Los Angeles (Verso, London)

Daniels P W and Lever W F (Eds) (1996) The Global Economy in Transition (Addison Wesley Longman, Harlow)

Davis M (1990) City of Quartz. Excavating the Future in Los Angeles (Verso, London)

Dear M J and Wolch J (1987) Landscapes of Despair (Polity Press, Canbridge)

Feagin J R and Smith M P (eds) (1987) The Capitalist City (Basil Blackwell, Oxford)

Fitch R (1993) The Assassination of New York (Verso, London)

Johnson D A (1992) New York City (Pinter Pub., London)

Mollenkopf J H and Castells M (Eds) (1991) Dual City: Restructuring New York (Russell Sage Foundation, New York)

Moorhouse G (1988) Imperial City. The Rise and Rise of New York (Hodder and Stoughton, London)

Noyelle T (ed) (1989) New York's Financial Markets (Westview, London)

Reiff D (1991) Los Angeles: Capital of the Third World (Simon Schuster, New York)

Rodwin L and Sazanami H (eds) (1989) Deindustrialisation and Regional Economic Transformation: The Experience of the United States (Unwin Hyman, New York)

Salins P (1988) New York Unbound (Basil Blackwell, Oxford)

Smith P (ed) (1984) Cities in Transformation (Sage, London)

Soja E (1989) Post-modern Geographies (Verso, London)

Soja E (1996) Thirdspace (Blackwell, Oxford)

Sorkin M (ed) (1992) Variations on a Theme Park (Noonday Press, New York)

Timberlake M (ed) (1985) Urbanization in the World Economy (Academic Press, New York)

Zukin S (1988) Loft Living (Radius, London)

Zukin S (1991) Landscapes of Power (UCP, Berkeley)

General Readings on Tokyo and Pacific Asia

Chiu T N and So C L (eds) (1986) A Geography of Hong Kong (OUP, Oxford)

Cybriwsky R (1991) Tokyo (Pinter Pub., London)

Daly M T and Logan M I (1989) The Brittle Rim (Penguin, Harmondsworth)

Drakakis-Smith D W (1991) Pacific Asia (Routledge, London)

Fujita K and Hill A C (eds) Japanese Cities in the World Economy (Temple University Press, Philadephia)

Hong Kong Information Service Hong Kong: A Review (Hong Kong Information Service, Hong Kong)

Lo C P (1992) Hong Kong (Belhaven, London)

Lo F C and Yeung Y M (eds) (1996) Emerging world cities in Pacific Asia (United Nations University Press, Tokyo)

Rafferty K (1991) City on the Rocks. Hong Kong's Uncertain Future (Penguin, Harmondsworth)

Robins B (1987) Tokyo. A World Financial Centre (Euromoney, London)

If you wish to register on this module for the academic session 2000/2001, please contact Dr Jonathan V. Beaverstock.