2008 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting Organizers Despite a manifest interest by geographers and others in the spatialities of knowledge in various contexts, relatively little work has focused on the discursive and material production of nodes and networks of higher education and research. Historically, educational centres have long been places of transnational exchange of knowledge and ideas, be it through correspondence networks (Lux and Cook 1998), career mobility (Taylor et al. 2007), academic travel (Jöns 2007) or the movement of students. More recently, the globalisation agenda has led many governments and institutions of higher education to develop explicit strategies of ‘internationalisation' as means of strengthening their (national or institutional) position as globally competitive knowledge nodes (O'Connor 2005, Olds 2007). Potential topics for papers include:
If you are interested in participating in this session, please send title and abstract (of no more than 250 words) to Michael Hoyler (M.Hoyler@lboro.ac.uk) or Heike Jöns (H.Jons@lboro.ac.uk) by 19th October 2007. The AAG abstract specifications can be found at http://www.aag.org/annualmeetings/2008/abstract.htm
Jöns, H. (2007) Academic travel from Cambridge University and the formation of centres of knowledge, 1885-1954. GaWC Research Bulletin 234 Lux, D.S. and Cook, H.J. (1998) Closed circles or open networks? Communicating at a distance during the Scientific Revolution, History of Science 36(2), 179-211. O'Connor, K. (2005) International students and global cities. GaWC Research Bulletin 161 Olds, K. (2007) Global assemblage: Singapore , foreign universities, and the construction of a ‘global education hub', World Development 35(6), 959-975. Taylor , P.J., Hoyler, M. and Evans, D.M. (2007) A geohistorical study of the rise of modern science: career paths of leading scientists in urban networks, 1500-1900. GaWC Research Bulletin 233