Learning and Teaching Committee


Curriculum Sub-Committee



Minutes of the Meeting of the Sub-Committee held on Thursday 6 May 2010


Membership:  Professor Simon Austin (Chair), Professor Morag Bell, Dr Paul Byrne,
Professor John Dickens, Dr Martin Harrison, Dr Jane Horner, Ian Murray (ab), Chris Peel, Phil Sawdon (ab), Jan Tennant


Alternate membership: Dr Ian Campbell, Dr Anne Goulding


In attendance:  Dr Jennie Elliott


Apologies for absence: Ian Murray, Phil Sawdon

10/18 Valediction


Dr Paul Byrne and Dr Martin Harrison would be completing their terms of office as AD(T)s of SSH and Science respectively in Summer 2010, this being the last meeting of the Sub-Committee that they would attend in that capacity. They were thanked for their hard work and commitment over the years on behalf of the Sub-Committee. In return the Chair and Secretary were thanked for the support provided to them in their tasks.


10/19  Minutes


The Minutes of the meeting held on 21 January 2010 were confirmed.


10/20 Matters Arising from the Minutes


.1         It was noted that all recommendations to Learning and Teaching Committee, and subsequently to Senate where appropriate, had been approved. The relevant minute of Senate was noted.


.2         Minute 10/6.2 – MRes Built Environment: Energy Demand Studies: New Programme Proposals


The minute of Learning and Teaching Committee on the variation in approach taken by Doctoral Training Centres to the taught elements of their research programmes was noted.


.3         10/6.4 – MRes Built Environment: Energy Demand Studies: New Programme Proposals


The minute of Learning and Teaching Committee on the programme proposal was noted.


.4         10/6.5 – MRes Built Environment: Energy Demand Studies: New Programme Proposals


The minute of Programme Quality Team on whether it would be useful to include a Curriculum Map within a Programme Specification was noted.


.5         Minute 10/7 – PGDip/PGCert in Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and their Application
(Taught element of the PhD): New Programme Proposals

(in CSC10-P16 above)

The relevant minute of Learning and Teaching Committee was noted.


.6         Minute 10/8.3 – MSc Sustainable Energy: New Programme Proposals

It was noted that the Programme Specification template had been revised to provide information on the status of accreditation for a programme.


10/21 Consultation with Students on Programme Changes


Further to Minute 10/5.3, the Sub-Committee considered proposals for enhancing the guidance as to when programme changes required consultation with/approval of students. Members were content with the proposals and it was felt that they would provide a useful reference document. The guidance would be incorporated into CSC documentation as appropriate, and be made available on the University website.



10/22 Programme Specifications


Further to Minute 10/5.4, the Sub-Committee noted the terminology used in Programme Specifications covering several programmes, with a view to providing guidance to departments. Where the programme suites were covered by a generic title, the individual programmes were described in several different ways. It was felt that the bringing together of programmes in suites with a generic title was valuable, as students tended to associate themselves with the generic title, there were usually common modules between the programmes and students were able to swap programmes within the suite relatively easily. There was no requirement, however, for Departments to present programmes with similar content in this way. However, consistent terminology would be valuable to students and for administration purposes.  It was AGREED to recommend to Learning and Teaching Committee that where programmes were grouped within a suite with a generic title these should be referred to within the programme documentation as degree paths. From a Registry perspective all degree paths were programmes with their own codes and any changes to these required the normal approval procedures. New programme proposals would be expected to conform with the proposed terminology and departments owning programmes with Programme Specifications covering a suite of programmes, as identified in paper CSC10-P20, should be requested to edit these accordingly. The new programme proposal form should likewise be edited.



10/23 Effectiveness of Curriculum Sub-Committee


.1         Further to Minute 09/34 of the meeting on 16 October 2009, members considered the Sub-Committee’s effectiveness in the light of comments from stakeholders. The comments had generally been favourable.  In response to the suggestion from the Business School that the Chair of the Sub-Committee should rotate regularly between individuals from different Faculties, the Chair noted that he had offered to stand down on previous occasions to new PVC(T)s on their appointment and proposed that the PVC(T) discuss this suggestion with senior management with a view to determining if and when a change in Chairship was desirable.


.2         Several comments had suggested that more guidance from the Sub-Committee would be helpful. Members felt that sufficient guidance was available, but not necessarily readily accessible on the website. It was noted in this regard that the Registry website was to be updated as part of the migration to the Content Management System, with the intention that it would be organised primarily by user/the issues that users were likely to be seeking information on, rather than the structure of the Academic Registry, and that this should make information much more easily accessible. The Sub-Committee requested that there should be the possibility for users and members of the Sub-Committee to test a prototype of the site and provide feedback before the site was put in place.


.3         It was commented that postgraduate programme proposals in particular were often put together by individuals in departments who were unfamiliar with the approval procedures. They were often not aware of the support available from the Faculty QEO in writing Programme Specifications and the Departmental Administrator in setting up new module specifications. It was AGREED that Chairs of Departmental Learning and Teaching Committees be reminded of this support at the beginning of each academic year, possibly via the note circulated to the Chairs of DLTCs by the Secretary to LTC after Senate, and that this be made clear on the new Registry website.  In order to ensure that up-to-date forms were used by proposers, and to avoid confusion, it was also AGREED that forms would not be changed during the course of the academic year and that any out-of date information would be removed from the current registry website. In response to the comments from SSH about the utility of Curriculum Maps, it was reinforced that these were an important element of curriculum design and valid across all disciplines. With the assistance now available from  Faculty QEOs in writing Programme Learning Outcomes, Curriculum Maps were likely to become less problematic.



.4         The Business School had commented on difficulties with the timescales of the programme approval procedure. The dates of Sub-Committee meetings were however constrained by the dates of LTC and Senate meetings later in the approval procedure.

            The Department of Materials had urged that the Sub-Committee review its procedures regularly, with the aim of reducing the demand placed on departments without sacrificing quality. The Sub-Committee AGREED that it would pursue this, either at the CSC meeting at the end of each academic year or via a sub-group, once the new Registry website, which might effectively make the approval process less burdensome, was available. Whether such a review would take place and when would be determined at the Sub-Committee’s October 2010 or January 2011 meeting. In the interim, Materials would be asked for any specific suggestions to achieve this aim.


.5         It was AGREED that an email from the Chair would be sent to HoDs and Chairs of DLTCs outlining the review of the Sub-Committee’s effectiveness and the action being taken by the Sub-Committee in response.



10/24 BSc,DPS Design Ergonomics: New Programme Proposals


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals from Design and Technology/Ergonomics/ESRI (to become the Loughborough Design School) for a new full-time programme with effect from October 2011. It was noted that some modules were yet to be finalised and discussions concerning modules taught by SSEHS were ongoing. Modules owned by the new Design School would be identified by the new ‘DS’ code.


.2         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


  1. Programme Regulations
  2. Para 2.1: The proposers should reflect on whether the 70-credit load in semester 1 of Part A would overload students new to University. 
  3. Para 2.2.1: Wording about optional modules to be clearer so as not to suggest that modules were offered both in semester 1 and in semester 2.
  4. Paras 2.1.3 & 2.2.3: Should refer to a modular weight of 30.
  5. Para 2.3.2: Text against Compulsory Modules should be replaced by ‘or’ between the two module options. Reference to University’s module catalogue should be included if that was intended.
  6. Para 3.1.4: Should read ‘…in Parts B and C of the programme.’


  1. Programme Specification
  2. The status of accreditation should be made clear (see revised template)
  3. Para 2: Learning, teaching and assessment strategies needed editing once the modules have been finalised. Terminology such as ‘non Design Practice modules’ should be revised.
  4. Para 4: Detailed content should not be included as it appeared in  Programme Regulations
  5. Para 6: First para and text repeating information in Programme Regulations should be removed.
  6. Para 7: First sentence of second paragraph should be edited to present a more positive stance.


  1.  Module Specifications
  2. These should be entered onto the LUSI system with new ‘DS’ codes.
  3. References to ‘interim presentations’ should be expanded and references to numbers of examination questions removed.
  4. Final Year Design Ergonomics Practice: Product Development: Assessment totalled 90%. All modules should be checked to ensure that assessment totalled 100%.
  5. Final Year Design Ergonomics Practice: Prototyping and Evaluation: First paragraph under assessment to be deleted as this conflicted with the information underneath.
  6. Cognitive Ergonomics: Key transferable skill to be reworded to read ‘….be able to take a holistic, human-inclusive view …’, thus making it a truly transferable skill.


  1. Curriculum Map

G3 and G5 appeared to be over-assessed. The proposers should reflect on whether this was a true representation and therefore whether these programme outcomes might be expressed too generally.



.3         It was requested that the form for new modules be revised so that proposers were not required to submit a form for each new module. It was also requested that the newly designed Registry website, when available, should make it clear that programme proposers should consult with their Departmental Administrator about new modules to be created.



10/25 MSc International Politics: New Programme Proposals


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals from Politics, History and International Relations for a new full-time/part-time programme with effect from October 2011. The programme was intended to replace the MSc in International Relations, for which approval would be sought to discontinue after the 2010 intake.


.2         The Sub-Committee felt unable to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee at  this time and requested that the proposal be resubmitted to the Sub-Committee in October 2010 with the following matters having been addressed:


  1. Programme Regulations
  2. The 30-credit weighting for the project module was low for a Master’s project and resulted in a high workload of 750 hours over 15 weeks in both semesters 1 and 2. The proposer should consider a 40-credit project, with the Research Methods/Research Design modules weighted at 10 rather than 15 credits.
  3. Paras 1.3.1, 1.3.2 & 2.3: References to submission of dissertation to be removed.
  4. Either show semesters in the module list or batch the modules into S1, S2 or S1 & 2. 


  1. Programme Specification
  2. Aims: The last two aims, as currently expressed, were inappropriate.
  3. Programme Learning Outcomes: The outcomes did not match those in the Curriculum Map. This needed to be resolved.
  4. Para 4: A link to Programme Regulations should replace the information duplicated in those regulations.
  5. Para 6: Reference to resubmission of failed work to be clarified.
  6. Para 7: This included subjective comments – could these be defended?
  7. Para 9: Reference to NSS for a postgraduate programme was inappropriate. Reference to ‘nuanced use’ was inappropriate.


  1. Module Specifications
  2. All  modules to be reviewed to ensure that changes in credit weighting were reflected in the specifications.
  3. The standard sub-headings under Intended Learning Outcomes should be used. There was much repetition in ILOs across the modules: these should be made more module specific.


  1. Assessment Matrix

No assessment appeared for EUP306/307.


  1. Consultation

Completed consultation forms should be provided.



.3         Members expressed concern that it was possible to edit the standard sub-headings in the ILO field of module specifications. A way of discouraging/preventing this was to be explored.




10/26  MSc International Relations: Major Programme Changes


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals from Politics, History and International Relations for major changes with effect from October 2010. The proposals were linked with the previous item on the proposed new MSc in International Politics and issues identified for that proposal were therefore relevant.


.2         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the relevant matters identified in minute 10/23 above being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) and the Chair of the Sub-Committee  prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee.



10/27 MSc Healthcare Fire Safety Management: New Programme Proposals


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals from the Business School for a new part-time MSc programme with effect from October 2010. The proposal was for an extension of the existing PGCert in Fire Safety Management and made distinct provision for the awards of PGCert, PGDip and MSc. It was queried whether ‘Healthcare’ was misleading in the title if the programme was not specific to the healthcare environment. None of the modules included ‘healthcare’ within its title.  


.2         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


(a)Programme Regulations

  1. Para 1.4: Entry requirements did not need to be included.
  2. Para 4.2: The requirement to have ‘completed’ modules did not have a clear meaning. The wording required revision.
  3. The footer reference ‘* by distance learning’ should be deleted.



(b) Programme Specification

  1. Programme Aims: The last two items were not programme aims.
  2. Reference points: Points 2 – 5 were not suitable as reference points.
  3. Programme Learning Outcomes: The LTA sections were simply lists and did not show how LTA methods addressed outcomes. There should be no separate sub-sections on assessment of knowledge and understanding.
  4. Para 6: Should refer to Regulation XXI rather than GRMPA.
  5. Para 7: Should refer to students rather than clients.
  6. The proposers were advised to seek the advice of the Faculty Quality Enhancement Officer when revising the Programme Specification, in view of the extensive work required.


(c) Module Specifications

Confirmation was required that modules were explicitly focused on healthcare. Should that not be the case the title of the programme should be reconsidered.


(d) Assessment Matrix

The final column required completion.



External consultation had been supportive but had not provided answers to the specific questions to be asked of external consultants. The External Examiner for the existing programme should be approached for this purpose.




10/28 MSc Healthcare Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity Management: New Programme Proposals


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals from the Business School for a new part-time programme with effect from October 2010. Members were assured that the proposed programme title was appropriate for the intended market.


.2         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


    1. Programme Regulations
  1. Clarification was required as to whether module exemptions had been mapped against programme learning outcomes.
  2. Para 4.2: The requirement to have ‘completed’ modules did not have a clear meaning. The wording required revision. Reference to required credit and to the position on exemptions should also be included.
  3. The footer reference ‘* by distance learning’ should be deleted.


    1. Programme Specifications
    2. Programme Aims: The last two items were not programme aims.
    3. Reference points: Points 2 – 5 were not suitable as reference points.
    4. Programme Learning Outcomes: The LTA sections were simply lists and did not show how LTA methods addressed outcomes. There should be no separate sub-sections on assessment of knowledge and understanding.
    5. Para 6: Should refer to Regulation XXI rather than GRMPA.
    6. The proposers were advised to seek the advice of the Faculty Quality Enhancement Officer when revising the Programme Specification, in view of the extensive work required.



    1. Module Specifications

BSP522: Assessment showed as 0% and was inconsistent with the information included in the assessment matrix.


    1. Consultation

External consultation had been supportive but had not provided answers to the specific questions to be asked of external consultants. The External Examiner for the existing programme should be approached for this purpose.



.3         The Curriculum Map had usefully identified where programme learning outcomes were met for each of the three possible programme awards. This was possible as the modules for each award were defined. It was commented that the University did not currently require programme learning outcomes to be defined for lesser awards. The Programme Specification had provided the list of programme outcomes for the Curriculum Map, possible by its inclusion of the  outcome codes used in the map. This had proved a useful demonstration of a match between the outcomes in the specification and the map. It was therefore AGREED that the programme specification template be revised to include the relevant codes for each set of outcomes (i.e.K1, K2 etc.).



10/29 MSc Powertrain and Vehicle Engineering: New Programme Proposals


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals from Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering for a new part-time programme with effect from October 2010. The proposal was the result of an approach from Jaguar Land Rover to participate in a consortium of universities to deliver taught postgraduate courses to JLR staff. The other intended participating universities were Warwick, Coventry and Cranfield, with the Warwick Manufacturing Group playing the lead role. The proposers were grateful to Robert Bowyer for his help in developing the proposals. The Programme Regulations would be mirrored in the other institutions though possibly with slightly different titles. The module list for the programme was still evolving and a final version would be submitted to the AD(T) for approval during the annual update process. An agreement had now been reached that all students would register for an MSc rather than a PGCert/Dip and that students would be eligible for a Loughborough award if, on the basis of credit weighting, 50% or more of the modules studied had been delivered by LU. As module choice was likely to be related to job function, the Sub-Committee was concerned that some monitoring by LU was necessary to ensure that programme learning outcomes were met, and that JLR should be made aware of this. In due course it might prove necessary to revisit the programme learning outcomes. Issues over the different rules within the consortium institutions for termination of studies following module failure had yet to be resolved.


.2         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


(a)Programme Regulations

To include a statement that optional module choice required the approval of  the Programme Director.


(b)Programme Specification

Para 6: In other circumstances the proposers would have been requested to remove the detailed assessment rules. However, this information was felt to be useful in this case with the programme  involving other institutions with different rules.


(c)Module Specifications

TTP451: to be input on LUSI, ensuring that the sub-headings on LUSI in the ILO field were not edited.


(d)Curriculum Map

The  possibility of  the project module covering all programme learning outcomes should be considered, thus assuring that the PLOs were met. This was acknowledged to be unlikely, however,  if each PLO was to be fully addressed and assessed.



A response from the consulted external was required.



10/30 MSc Automotive Systems Engineering: Major Programme Changes


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals from Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering for major programme changes to the full-time/part-time programme with effect from October 2010 entry. The changes primarily involved reorganisation of content into 20-credit modules, with some reduction in module choice.


.2         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


  1. Module Specifications
  2. Modules changes should be input on LUSI.
  3. Transferable skills should be revisited to remove  those listed that cannot be assessed (e.g. ‘ ..enthusiasm..’, ‘…integrity..’).




10/31 MSc Sport Coaching: New full-time version


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals from the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences for a new full-time version of an existing part-time programme, with effect from October 2010. The proposals included the addition of a new non-credit-bearing Practical Coaching Placement module for full-time students. Part-time students were required to be active coaches during their period of study and the placement module provided a substitute for this. The Sub-Committee was unclear how students could ‘fail’ the placement module when this was synoptically assessed through four other modules. The placement module was not considered to be equivalent to the non-credit bearing modules on the PGCE programme, as satisfactory completion of those was required for Qualified Teacher Status. It was suggested that as an alternative approach to the placement module students could be required to undertake specified work experience based on the model of UG placements. Loughborough facilities could be offered for this, and the flexibility could also be introduced for students who find their own placements to undertake these, maybe in vacations. Other modules on the programme should have outcomes requiring that relevant experience.


.2   It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


  1.  Programme Regulations
  2. The proposers should consider the suggestions for the coaching placement in para .1 above.
  3. The title should be amended to remove ‘part-time’.
  4. Paras 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 should be removed. 

The current position on the information in para 2.6 was to be checked by the Secretary.

(Secretary’s note: The information in para 2.6 was confirmed as valid by the Enterprise Office)



  1. Programme Specification
  2. Aims: Defined aims were required.
  3. Reference points: It was unclear why FHEQ had been deleted.
  4. Programme Learning Outcomes: These were not sufficiently aspirational for a Master’s programme.




10/32 PGCert Back Care Management: New Programme Proposals


It was AGREED to ratify the action of the Chair in recommending to the Chair of Learning and Teaching Committee the above existing programme as a ‘one-off’ programme off-site for the SW Ambulance Trust, with effect from June 2010.


10/33 Changes to Programme Titles


.1         It was AGREED to ratify the action of the Chair in recommending to the Chair of Learning and Teaching Committee the following changes to programme titles (effective date shown in brackets):


BEng, MEng Product Design and Manufacture to BEng, MEng Product Design Engineering (for all existing students, already applied to 2008 entry onwards)


MSc Sport Nutrition (DL) to MSc Nutrition for Sport and Physical Activity (DL) (April 2010 entry)



2.         It was AGREED to recommend to Learning and Teaching Committee the following changes to programme titles (effective date shown in brackets):


MSc Back Care Management to MSc Healthcare Manual Handling Management

(Sept 2010 entry)


BSc Retail Management to BSc Retailing, Marketing and Management (final year students in 2009/10, already applied to Oct 09 entry) 


10/34 Change to Programme Award


            It was AGREED to ratify the action of the Chair in recommending to the Chair of Learning and Teaching Committee the addition of the award of DIntS to the following programmes with effect from the 2009/10 session:


            BA Illustration

BA Graphic Communication

            BA Printed Textiles

            BA Woven Textiles

            BA Multimedia Textiles


10/35 Suspension of Programmes


It was AGREED to recommend to Learning and Teaching Committee the following programme suspensions (proposed date of last intake before suspension and date of next intake shown in brackets):


MSc Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (Sept 09) (it was intended that the programme be reconfigured during its suspension and re-launched for the 2011 intake)


MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice (last intake Sept 09, next intake Oct 11) (subject to approval by Operations Committee)


10/36 Discontinuation of Programmes


It was AGREED to recommend to Learning and Teaching Committee discontinuation of the following programmes (proposed date of last intake shown in brackets):

MSc European and International Studies (Sept 2009)

BSc/MComp Computer Science and E-Business (Oct 2010) (subject to approval by Directorate and Operations Committee)


10/37 Major Changes to Programme Regulations

It was AGREED to approve the following procedure for the approval of major changes to Programme Regulations for the period October 2010.  Proposals would receive Curriculum Sub-Committee consideration by post at the discretion of the Chair.  Where concerns were raised a second circulation would summarise these and invite a formal decision.  The Chair would be empowered to determine whether the replies constituted a consensus.


10/38 Annual Update of Module Specifications and Programme Regulations/Specifications



.1         The memorandum circulated to departments on 24 February 2010 (without Annexes).


CSC10-P37 and CSC10-P38

.2         The proposal forms for Module Specification and Programme Regulation/Specification changes for 2010/11.



.3         Validated Programmes: The procedure and timetable for revision and approval of Module Specifications and Programme Regulations/Specifications for 2010/11.


10/39 Master’s Degree Characteristics: QAA, March 2010

The Sub-Committee noted the new document developed by QAA as reference point intended to offer advice and guidance, available at:




10/40 Any Other Business


10/41 Dates of Future Meetings


Friday 21 May 2010 (am) (only if required)




These dates would be circulated when available.


(Date for if necessary meeting in late May 2011 to be determined subsequently)

Author –Jennie Elliott

Date – May 2010

Copyright © Loughborough University.  All rights reserved