Learning and Teaching Committee


Curriculum Sub-Committee



Minutes of the Meeting of the Sub-Committee held on Friday 16 October 2009


Membership:  Professor Simon Austin (Chair), Professor Morag Bell, Dr Paul Byrne (ab),
Professor John Dickens, Dr Martin Harrison, Dr Jane Horner, Ian Murray, Chris Peel, Phil Sawdon, Jan Tennant (ab)


By invitation: Professor Rachel Thomson (for Minute 09/38)


In attendance:  Dr Jennie Elliott


Apologies for absence: Dr Paul Byrne, Jan Tennant


09/30 Business of the Agenda

Items 11 and 14 were unstarred.


09/31 Minutes



The Minutes of the meeting held on 7 May 2009 were confirmed.


09/32 Matters Arising from the Minutes


.1         It was noted that all recommendations to Learning and Teaching Committee, and subsequently to Senate where appropriate, had been approved.  The relevant minute of Senate was noted.


.2         Minute 09/18.5 – Matters Arising from the Minutes    


The discussion by Programme Quality Team on achievement of ILOs was noted.


.3         Minute 09/19 – Programme Specifications


The revised Guide to the Preparation of Programme Specifications for adoption forthwith for proposals for new programmes and major programme changes, and for Programme Specifications submitted for Periodic Programme Review, were received. These were felt to represent a considerable step forward in providing guidance to departments and Jan Tennant was thanked for her significant input. The advice that would be given by Faculty Quality Enhancement Officers to programme proposers in producing Programme Specifications was also welcomed, and together with the revised guidelines was expected to ease the work of the Sub-Committee when scrutinising new programme proposals. It was suggested that the guidelines could be made more inclusive of LUSAD’s 100% coursework and other teaching methods and environment and it was AGREED that Phil Sawdon provide the relevant text prior to the guidelines being made available on the website. Learning and Teaching Committee was to be alerted to the relevant web-link.



.4         Minute 09/22 – MSc Road and Vehicle Safety: New Programme Proposals

It was noted that Senate had approved the new programme at its meeting on 1 July 2009.  The parent department would be Ergonomics (Human Sciences).


09/33 Terms of Reference and Membership


.1         The Sub-Committee considered the Terms of Reference of Curriculum Sub-Committee and, subject to the reference to Operations Sub-Committee being changed to Operations Committee, AGREED that they remained fit for purpose.




.2         The Sub-Committee’s membership for 2009/10 was noted.


09/34 Effectiveness of the Sub-Committee


.1         At the request of Audit Committee, members considered the effectiveness of the Sub-Committee. Members’ were content that the Sub-Committee’s purpose was understood, being clearly stated in the Terms of Reference. Meetings were well attended by members, but it was felt that to expedite business in future programme proposers should attend only when the AD(T) felt unable to respond to matters in a proposal, not when a proposer requested attendance.


.2         The Sub-Committee identified three factors that affected both its efficiency and effectiveness. Poor documentation from proposers and/or late submission of documentation impacted on the time that the Sub-Committee needed to spend on a proposal and the likelihood that the proposal would be scrutinised to the level that the Sub-Committee would normally aim for. It was hoped that new guidelines for Programme Specifications shortly to be made available, and the advice that would be available from Faculty Quality Enhancement Officers in producing Programme Specifications, would help in this respect. It was difficult to find suitable sanctions to prevent poor/late documentation, as the Sub-Committee’s intention was to facilitate programme approval whilst assuring that quality issues had been properly addressed. The need for HoDs to sanction programme proposals was underlined. It was suggested that following the submission of a poor/late proposal in future the HoD should be contacted to make them aware of the time wasted by the Sub-Committee in considering the proposal. If this process needed to be repeated the HoD would be informed that there could be no guarantee that any future inadequate submission from that department could be considered by the Sub-Committee.


.3         The third factor affecting the Sub-Committee’s efficiency and effectiveness related to decisions being made at a strategic level which put the Sub-Committee is a difficult position whereby it was effectively forced to approve proposals within a timescale that required additional time to be spent by members in considering the proposal with the likelihood that members’ scrutiny of the proposal was hampered. However, it was appreciated that some flexibility was needed in the approval process to ensure that opportunities for new programmes were not missed. The Sub-Committee would wish to continue to provide the flexibility to achieve the outcomes sought by the University, but it needed to be understood that there were risks in terms of quality of provision if proposals were rushed through. Members’ experience suggested that the University was in the upper-quartile of institutions for having a flexible programme approval process that allowed for fast-tracking and had an efficient process with relatively few stages.


.4         It was noted that the Sub-Committee would in future be asked to consider its effectiveness at its last meeting in the academic year, and would do so at its meeting in May 2010. In the meantime consultation would be undertaken with other stakeholders, including the student body.



09/35 MA Art and the Public Sphere: New Programme Proposals


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals from LUSAD for a new full-time/part-time programme with effect from October 2010. It had been queried whether there might be an over-reliance on links with Radar, the University’s contemporary arts programme, for realising projects in the public realm. Members were assured that there were other contacts which could serve as partners in this.


.2         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


(a)   Programme Regulations

(i)                  Possibility of PGCert/Dip awards should be stated

(ii)                Part-time and full-time options should be stated

(iii)               Requirement for 180 credits for the MA award should be stated if intended

(iv)              Para 3.1: to be removed as unnecessary

(v)                Paras 3.4 and 3.5 to be revised to avoid repetition


(b)   Programme Specification

(i)                  Para 3.1: The third and fourth ILOs were subject specific skills


(c)        Module Specifications

(i)                  Question marks appearing in module specifications should be converted back to bullet points. (This general problem should be reported to IT Services – Action by Secretary)

(ii)                Methods of feedback should be transferred from MTLA field to MoF field

(iii)               SAP013: Assessment items required re-numbering

(iv)              SAP010: The contact hours appeared to be incorrect



.3         It was commented that the programme to some extent was concerned with sustainability. It was AGREED that, in order to supplement the recently compiled list of programmes having elements of sustainability, the Secretary should keep a record of any such new programmes coming forward to the Sub-Committee.



.4         Attention was drawn to the comments of the Librarian and the importance of these generally, particularly in view of the issue of the availability of Library material highlighted in the National Student Survey. It was noted, however, that the consultation form would not pick up whether or not departmental staff were ordering sufficient copies of material.


09/36 MRes Art, Design and Performance by Practice: New Programme Proposals


            The Sub-Committee considered proposals from LUSAD for a full-time version of a new programme with effect from October 2010, and part-time version with effect from October 2011.

It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


(a)   Programme Regulations

(i)         Possibility of PGCert/Dip awards should be stated. Their titles would be ‘Advanced Studies in Art, Design and Performance’

(ii)        Full-time and (later) part-time options should be stated

(iii)       Requirement for 180 credits for the MA award should be stated if intended

(iv)       Para 3.1: to be removed as unnecessary

(v)                Paras 3.4 and 3.5 to be revised to avoid repetition


(b)   Programme Specification

(i)                  Para 2: Should include link to University’s MRes guidelines (once available on-line – Action by Secretary)

(ii)                Para 2: ‘Provision of equal opportunities’ not required as this was a University high-level statement

(iii)               Para 3.1: References to competencies and capabilities might require transfer to para 3.2 (JMT to be consulted and programme specification guidelines to be revised accordingly if necessary – Action by Secretary)

(iv)              Para 9: Should be link to generic information site only


(c)        Module Specifications

(i)         Question marks appearing in module specifications should be converted back to bullet points. (This general problem should be reported to IT Services – Action by Secretary)

(ii)                Methods of feedback should be transferred from MTLA field to MoF field


(d)        Consultation Forms

(i)         Confimation was required that the HoD of Design & Technology was content with the operational proposals



09/37 BSc, DPS/DIntS Mathematics with Mathematics Education: New Programme Proposals


.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals from the School of Mathematics for a new full-time programme with effect from October 2010. It was noted that the proposals had been signed off by the Departmental Learning & Teaching Co-ordinator rather than the HoD.


.2         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


            (a)        Assurance that the HoD was aware of the proposal


(b)        Clarification that the programme was distinct i.e. that it would not be possible for a student on another programme within the School to undertake all the same modules as a student who would graduate with the proposed new title


(c)        Programme Regulations

(i)         Para 1.3: ‘DIS’ should read ‘DIntS’

(ii)        Some qualification on choice from the University’s module catalogue would be advisable (e.g. approval by the Programme Director)


(d)        Programme Specification

(i)         ‘DIS’ should read ‘DIntS’

(ii)        Para 2: References to APR, staff/student committees and specialisms of School staff to be removed


(e)        Module Specifications

(i)         MAB130: The contents appeared to be a list of lectures. If so, this was inadvisable as it might need updating each year

(ii)        MAB230/MAC330: compulsory modules did not need to be listed as pre-/co-requisites


(f)                 Curriculum Map

(i)                  T1 was too general and should be made more specific

(ii)                The assessment of K6 by just one module should be reconsidered, to ensure that this ILO could be met by a student failing that module

(iii)               The limited assessment of cognitive skills in Part A should be reflected upon

(iv)              The 3 hour examination for MAC130 appeared excessive for a 10-credit module. However, the module specification indicated this module to be by coursework only. Clarification was required.


(g)               Consultation forms

(i)                  The 3 external responses were very supportive of the proposal but none addressed the questions required to be asked of external reviewers. Confirmation was needed that the reviewers had been provided with the required material on which to comment

(ii)                Consultation forms from the Library and IT Services were awaited



09/38 MSc Efficient Fossil Energy Technologies (Curriculum-based component of the EngD): New Programme Proposals


(a)               The Sub-Committee considered proposals from Materials for a new programme as an exit award to the new EngD in Efficient Fossil Energy Technologies, with effect from October 2009. Professor Thomson attended for this item. It was noted that the EngD had been approved by Senate in July 2009, subject to formal approval of the taught elements. The programme was in collaboration with Nottingham and Birmingham Universities and the Sub-Committee understood that outstanding matters arising from the Collaborative Proposal QA statement and draft Memorandum of Agreement with the other two institutions were being handled by Robert Bowyer and Brigette Vale and would be resolved before the MoA was signed.


(b)               It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


(c)               Programme Regulations

(i)                  Para 1.4: Wording should identify that exemption would be exceptional

(ii)                Para 1.6: Eligibility of awards in accordance with Regulation XXI was in conflict with the requirements stated in the EngD Handbook and needed to be resolved

(iii)               Para 1.7: To be deleted as unnecessary

(iv)              Para 2.3: Penultimate sentence to be deleted as unnecessary. Final sentence to refer to modules

(v)                Paras 3.1&3.2: To refer to Loughborough modules only


(d)               Programme Specification

(i)                  Para 1: Aims should be more specific (see new Programme Specification guidelines)

(ii)                Para 2: To be revised in accordance with Programme Specification guidelines

(iii)               Para 3: TLA strategies should map onto ILOs, which should be more aspirational for a PG Master’s programme. It would be expected that research methods and critical thinking would be covered.

(iv)              Para 4: This should include a link to the curriculum–based component regulations (when available on-line)

(v)                Paras 8 & 9: To include links to generic information


(e)        Module Specifications

            (i)         Annotated comments from the ADT to be addressed

            (ii)        References linking credits to assessment to be removed

(iii)               MPP801: Requirement for at least 50 literature references in literature review (of 5000 to 10000 words) to be reflected upon. Reference to ‘project work’ in last sentence of MTLA field to be removed.

(iv)              MPP802: Wide range of 10000 to 20000 words for report to be reflected upon

(v)                MPP163: Weightings and/or length of the two assignments to be reflected upon. Subject-specific practical skills would be expected e.g. developing practice-based skills.


(f)     Consultation forms


Forms from the Library, Careers Centre, IT Services, and Facilities Management were awaited



09/39 PGCert in Management for Engineers (ECITB): New Programme Proposals


It was AGREED to ratify the action of the Chair in recommending to the Chair of Learning and Teaching Committee proposals from the Business School for a new part-time programme with effect from September 2009. It was brought to members’ attention, however, that a lack of consultation with engineering departments had been noted by the Chair and raised as a matter of concern by the Engineering Directorate. Particular concern had been expressed by Civil and Building Engineering which had felt the proposed programme to be a potential competitor to its MSc in Construction Project Management. Members were made aware of an apology for the lack of consultation that had been made to the AD(T) of SSH by the Acting Director of the Business School’s Professional and Management Development Centre, which had been due to the need for speedy approval of the programme during the summer. It was AGREED that the PVC(T) would ask the Acting Dean of Engineering to discuss the matter with the Acting Director of the Business School before Learning and Teaching Committee on 5 November, to determine any serious grounds for concern and to attempt to resolve these. If any serious concerns remained these would need to be raised at Learning and Teaching Committee.



09/40 Professional Graduate Certificate in Education: Exit Award for MSc Education with QTS


It was AGREED to ratify the action of the Chair in recommending to the Chair of Learning and Teaching Committee the Professional Graduate Certificate in Education as an additional exit award for the MSc in Education with QTS.
(Ordinance XXXIII has been revised to accommodate the new award).


09/41 Changes to Programme Titles


It was AGREED to ratify the action of the Chair in recommending to the Chair of Learning and Teaching Committee the following title changes (effective date in brackets):


            BSc Information Technology and Mathematics to     

BSc Applied Computing and Mathematics (Oct 2007 intake)


            MSc Coaching to MSc Sport Coaching (Oct 2009 intake)


            MSc Mathematical Processes in Finance to MSc Mathematical Finance (Oct 2010 intake)


09/42 Discontinuation of Programmes


It was AGREED to recommend to Learning and Teaching Committee the discontinuation of the following programmes (last intake shown in brackets):


MSc Industrial Sales and Strategic Marketing (October 2004)


MDes Product Design in Business (October 2008)

(MA/MSc routes continue)


MEng Electrical and Renewable Energy Systems Engineering (October 2009)


MEng Electronics and Software Engineering (October 2009)


BEng/MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering (Control and Power/ Digital Communications/Microelectronics) (October 2009)


MEng Electronic and Electrical Engineering (Renewable Energy) (October 2009)


MEng Systems Engineering (Aeronautical/ Control and Power/Human Factors/Renewable Energy) (October 2009)


BSc Publishing with E-Business (October 2009)



09/43 Dates of Future Meetings in 2009/10


Thursday 21 January 2010 (am)

Thursday 6 May 2010 (am)

Friday 21 May 2010 (am) (if required)

Author –Jennie Elliott

Date – October 2009

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