
Monthly salaries & Imago Ltd

Monthly salaries and Imago payrolls are paid on the last working day of the month.

Monthly salaries are calculated as 1/12th of the annual salary - this is pro-rated for new starters and leavers where a full month is not worked. This is calculated on the number of calendar days in the particular month.

Imago hourly employees are paid based on their timesheet submission as per the relevant cut-off date for the pay period.

If your employment commences after the 15th of the month, you will not be paid until the following month.

Change of bank account details

Bank details can only be changed through the payroll department. If you wish to change them, please bring your new account details and your staff/student card to the payroll office.

HMRC/Tax queries

Tax queries and National Insurance are dealt with by HMRC directly. Further information on HMRC contacts can be found below.

If you are commencing employment within the University and have a P45 from your previous employer please supply this to the Payroll Department ASAP. If you do not have a P45 please ensure you complete and submit a Starter checklist.

  • Loughborough University Tax Reference Number - 267/L773
  • Imago Tax Reference Number - 120/VB18157
  • Imago Nursery Tax Reference Number - 120/ME25940

National Insurance Number

All employees are required to have a UK National Insurance number, you will need to supply this to payroll ASAP. If you do not have a NI number please to go to the Government NI website to start the application process.