
Student Discipline Committee



Minutes of the meeting of the Student Discipline Committee held on 5 February 2013.

Members: A M Mumford (Chair), R Bhamra (ab), J Blackwell (ab), J B C Blood, L A Brown (ab), S A Brown, A Cole (ab), N Cox (ab), F T Edum-Fotwe, F Fay, N Honey, B Marsh, H Midgely, R Mitchell (ab), A Muir (ab), E Read (ab), M Shuker (ab), J A M Strong (ab), L Timms (ab), A Watson (ab), L Zindovic.

By invitation: S J Christie, P P Conway (ab), J C Nutkins (ab), C N Walker, N Thomas.


In attendance: C Dunbobbin.


Apologies for absence: R Bhamra, J Blackwell, L Brown, A Cole, N Cox, R Mitchell, A Muir, E Read, J C Nutkins, L Timms, A Watson.


The meeting was not quorate, as only 9 of 21 members were present (not including those invited to attend). However, it was agreed to proceed as it was felt that the discussions would be of value. Some academic members had again been unable to attend because of teaching commitments, and it was agreed that the timings of Committee meetings in 2013-14 should be varied to attempt to avoid academic members being unable to attend multiple meetings. ACTION: Secretary


13/1     Minutes


          The minutes of the meeting held on 30 October 2012 were confirmed as a true record, subject to one point of clarification in relation to minute 21.1(v): The Director of Student Services spoke to Hall Committee members on the last Sunday before the beginning of Freshers’ Week about their responsibilities, but did not visit each individual Hall.


13/2     Matters Arising from the Minutes


2.1       Bans from LSU Facilities (minute 12/19.1 refers)

            There would be an update from the LSU Vice-President (Finance) at the next meeting.


2.2       Circulation of Minor Offence Summaries to Hall Wardens (minute 12/22(ii) refers)

The Senior Warden would be asked to confirm at the next meeting that minor offence summaries had been circulated to Hall Wardens.


13/3     Community Wardens

The Committee received a presentation from Jayshree Lakha (Deputy Community Warden) on the University’s Community Warden Scheme.


In discussion, following the presentation, the following points were noted:


i)                 The Community Warden team had been expanded following the review of the impact of students on the local community at the start of the 2011-12 academic year. The team worked proactively with students, and made an excellent contribution in helping to minimise student anti-social behaviour, and reassure local residents of the University’s serious approach to this issue.


ii)                Noise, car-parking and refuse-collection were identified as three of the main issues which gave rise to complaints about student anti-social behaviour. Refuse-collection was particularly problematic at the end of terms, and it was suggested that LSU consider how it might enhance its efforts to educate and support students to dispose of their rubbish, and recycle in a responsible and considerate manner. ACTION: LSU


The Committee thanked Jayshree for a useful presentation.


13/4     Damage to Fire Safety Equipment



Following a discussion at the last meeting of the Committee (minute 12/22 refers), the Chief Operating Officer had chaired a meeting to discuss the University’s disciplinary and cost recovery procedures for cases involving damage to fire safety equipment. A series of action points had been agreed, addressing reporting procedures and the consistency of penalties imposed, and establishing a distinction between incidents involving damage to equipment in place to safeguard life (alarms), and those involving damage to equipment in place to protect assets (extinguishers) – the former would normally be considered as major offences, and the latter normally minor. It was also proposed that the Fire Officer would investigate the feasibility of providing training sessions on fire safety, which offenders could be required to attend.


The issue of consistency of penalties imposed would be discussed by the Warden’s Sub-Group on 6 February 2013. Student members reiterated their concerns about inconsistent penalties, and it was suggested that where a Warden imposed a penalty which varied from the norm, the reasons for the variation should be recorded.


It was agreed that the proposals should not be restricted to damage to fire safety equipment, but should include tampering, obstructing and interfering with the operation of fire safety equipment (so as to cover acts such as covering a smoke alarm).


6.         “Spotted” Facebook Pages



The Committee received a briefing on the phenomenon of “Spotted” pages on Facebook.


The Loughborough pages had been considerably quieter since the Chief Operating Officer had posted a message on the Student Noticeboard, reminding students of their responsibilities under the University’s Acceptable Use of IT and Harassment and Bullying policies. Additional signage referring to these policies had also been put in place in the library. It was agreed that the COO would work with LSU to provide more information and guidance to students on the potential negative impact of inappropriate use of social media on them individually (e.g. in relation to their future employability) and on the University as a whole, in terms of reputational damage. ACTION: COO, LSU


7.         Alcohol Free Zone on Campus



The Committee considered a proposal for the introduction of an Alcohol Free Zone on campus. The proposal was part of a suite of measures intended to address anti-social behaviour associated with the excessive intake of alcohol, and mirrored similar alcohol free zones established by the Police and Charnwood Borough Council in the town, which appeared to have been successful in reducing the number of alcohol-related incidents, and the amount of litter associated with discarded bottles and cans. It was intended that the scheme would be introduced at the beginning of the 2013-14 academic year with significant publicity in order to alert students, and that fixed penalty fines would be imposed on students who failed to comply (as well as their alcohol being confiscated).


            The Committee gave its support to the proposal, subject to the following suggestions:


i)                 That careful consideration was given to managing the introduction of the scheme so as to avoid any negative impact on the University’s good relationship with the student body.

ii)                That consideration be given to imposing a warning, rather than a £25 fine for a first transgression.


8.         Major Offences 2012-13



The Committee received a summary of major offences dealt with by Student Disciplinary Panels in the 2012-13 academic year to date.


9.         Minor Offences 2012-13 (up to 11 January 2013)



            The Committee received a summary of minor offences reported during the period 1 October 2012 to 11 January 2013,


10.       Minor Offence Appeals 2011-12



The Committee received a summary of Minor Offence appeals in 2011-12.


11.       Local Community Newsletters


            DISC13-P7 (to follow)

The Committee received the most recent edition of the LSU local resident’s newsletter.


12.       Date of Next Meeting


Tuesday 4 June 2013, 10am


13.       Valedictory

            It was the last meeting the Chief Operating Officer would attend before leaving the University for a new role as Finance Director at the Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The Chair thanked the COO for her commitment to and interest in the work of the Committee, and wished her every success in the future.


Author – C Dunbobbin

February 2013
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