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Student Discipline Committee



Minutes of the meeting of the Student Discipline Committee held on 14 February 2012.

Members: A M Mumford (Chair), R Bhamra (ab), J Blackwell, J B C Blood, R Bridger (ab), L A Brown, S A Brown, P Childs (ab), F T Edum-Fotwe, F Fay (ab), N Honey (ab), H Midgely, A Muir (ab), S Musgrave, L Padolsey, J Painter, A Rae (ab), J Savage (ab), M Shuker (ab), J A M Strong, A Watson (ab).

By invitation: S J Christie, P P Conway (ab), J C Nutkins (ab), C N Walker, N Thomas.


In attendance: C Dunbobbin.


Apologies for absence: R Bhamra, R Bridger, F Fay, N Honey, A Muir, J C Nutkins, A Rae, J Savage, A Watson.


The Chair welcomed Ran Bhamra, Stuart Christie, and Howard Midgely to the Committee.


12/1     Minutes


          The minutes of the meeting held on 1 November 2011 were confirmed as a true record.


12/2     Matters Arising from the Minutes


2.1       Bans from LSU Facilities (minute 11/15.2 refers)

            LSU was reviewing its entire disciplinary policy, and the question of banning students from its premises on the recommendation of Student Disciplinary Panels would be considered as part of a wider evaluation of how it communicated and worked together with the University in relation to student discipline. It was noted in this context that appropriate and effective data-sharing with LSU was essential if the University was to obtain a complete picture of all student disciplinary offences (this was discussed further under item 12/3).


2.2       Parking (minute 11/15.4 refers)

            Issues relating to swipe card access and the location of reserved parking bays had been addressed.


2.3       Publication of Student Disciplinary Cases and Ensuring the Victim Knows We Care (minutes 11/17.1 and 11/17.3 refer)

            The matters arising under these headings were covered under agenda item 12/3.


2.4       Streamlining Cases (minute 11/17.2 refers)

            In accordance with the policy agreed by the Committee in March 2008, cases involving the possession of cannabis in Halls would continue to be reported to the Chief Operating Officer, who would decide whether they should be dealt with under the Major or Minor Offence procedures. Where such cases were straightforward they would normally be dealt with by the relevant Hall Warden under the latter. It would be important to maintain consistency, and it was agreed in this context that the Committee would review this approach at its November 2012 meeting. To allow for effective monitoring, cases dealt with under the minor offence procedures would need to be explicitly recorded as ‘possession of cannabis.’ ACTION: CD


2.5       Standing Panel Meetings

            Consideration had been given to the suggestion that standing Panel meetings be set up at the beginning of each academic year, but there did not appear to be any efficiencies to be gained by doing so.


12/3     Review of the Impact of Students on the Local Community at the Start of the 2011-12 Academic Year



The Committee received a draft report from the Chair, which was due to be considered at a local community liaison group meeting on 15 February 2012.


Statistical evidence indicated that the number of complaints about student behaviour in 2011-12 was no greater than in previous years. However, the feeling amongst local residents was that levels of disturbance had been worse. The report identified a number of explanations for this, including an increase in the number of student lets on the Kingfisher Estate, and the good weather at the start of the academic year, which resulted in students spending more time outside, and students and local residents leaving windows open at night-time, allowing noise to travel. There was a recognition among most residents that students did good work in the community and brought economic benefits to the town. However, it was felt by some that these benefits were outweighed by the poor behaviour of a small number of students, and that the University did little, if anything, to address the problem.


A particular issue addressed by the report was the absence of central statistical data to support anecdotal evidence that there were a small number of very disruptive students, offending repeatedly. It was suggested that this was because some incidents were not reported through formal channels by the relevant University officers; because the University was unaware of some incidents (e.g. because they were dealt with by the police or LSU); and/or because there was insufficient evidence against the student(s) concerned to take formal disciplinary action in relation to some incidents.


The following points were noted in discussion of the recommendations contained in the report:


i)                 It was important to be realistic, and to recognise that there would be a certain amount of disturbance at the beginning of each academic year, as thousands of young people, many of whom were away from home for the first time, moved to the town. However, that was not to say that inappropriate and antisocial behavior would be accepted by the University, and it was important that new students were issued with clear messages about acceptable standards of behaviour during Fresher’s Week, in order to set the tone for the remainder of the academic year.


ii)                Good communication between the University/LSU and the local community was critical. It was important in particular that residents were well-informed of the University’s actions to address student indiscipline and to minimize its impact on residents, in general terms and in relation to specific incidents. It was noted in this context that it would be helpful for the Committee to receive copies of the University’s and LSU’s respective local community newsletters. ACTION: Secretary. It was important also that residents received a response that was consistent, understanding and helpful when contacting the University/LSU to complain about student behaviour.


iii)              The COO confirmed that efforts would be made to implement all of the recommendations, in partnership with local partners as appropriate, and reassurances were given that funding, for example in relation to additional CCTV cameras under Recommendation 3, would be made available where required. (Funding had already been agreed for an additional sub-warden in the Kingfisher area).


iv)              There was support from local groups for more CCTV coverage in key locations, but care would need to be taken to manage any concerns relating to the impact on privacy.


v)               The intention of Recommendation 2 was to retain the positive aspects of the Sing-Off event (celebrating Hall and Loughborough spirit and tradition), without the associated negative elements (loud singing, with bad language, late into the night). It was noted that for many students, the event was a highlight of the Loughborough Fresher’s experience and contributed greatly to their sense of belonging to their Hall, and to the University as a whole. For others, however, it was overly intense and aggressive. The COO would discuss this recommendation, including the suggestion that the Sing-Off cease to be included in the scoring for Hall of the Year, with LSU.


vi)              An update on progress against each recommendation would be submitted to future Committee meetings.


12/4     Future Meeting Patterns


The Chair noted that at its June 2012 meeting, as part of the annual review of its effectiveness, the Committee would be asked to consider the frequency and pattern of future meetings. Members were asked by the Chair to consider the appropriate number and timing of meetings as part of that consideration.


12/5     Major Offences 2011-12 (up to 1 February 2012)



The Committee received a summary of major offences dealt with by Student Disciplinary Panels in the 2011-12 academic year, up to 2 February 2012. There had been two cases in 2010-11 where students had failed to complete community service penalties. In both cases, suspended fines had been activated, and a further community service penalty imposed.


12/6     Minor Offences



            The Committee received a summary of minor offences reported during the period 25 October 2011 to 6 February 2012.


12.7     Date of Next Meeting


12 June 2012, 2pm


Author – C Dunbobbin

February 2012
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