
Student Discipline Committee



Minutes of the meeting of the Student Discipline Committee held on 1 November 2011.

Members: A M Mumford (Chair), J Blackwell, J B C Blood, R Bridger, L A Brown (ab), S A Brown, P Childs, F T Edum-Fotwe, F Fay, N Honey, A Muir (ab), S Musgrave (ab), L Padolsey (ab), J Painter, A Rae, J Savage, M Shuker (ab), J A M Strong, A Watson (ab).

By invitation: P P Conway (ab), JR Thomas, J C Nutkins (ab), C N Walker (ab), N Thomas.


In attendance: C Dunbobbin, E Harrison.


Apologies for absence: L A Brown, A Muir, S Musgrave, J C Nutkins, L Padolsey, M Shuker, C N Walker.


11/14   Minutes


          The minutes of the meeting held on 14 June 2011 were confirmed as a true record.


11/15   Matters Arising from the Minutes


15.1     Cycling Safety (minute 11/7.4 refers)

            The issue of cycling safety had been incorporated into LSU’s ‘Better Decisions’ campaign for 2011-12.


15.2     Bans from LSU Facilities (minute 11/9.2(iii) refers)

            The Chair had spoken with the outgoing LSU VP:Education and VP:Finance following the last meeting of the Committee in 2010-11, and both had indicated that in principle, LSU would be prepared to ban students from its premises on the recommendation of Student Disciplinary Panels in appropriate cases. It was agreed that the LSU Council would be asked to formally consider this proposal, with a view to implementation during 2011-12. ACTION: R Bridger


15.3     Consistency of Penalties Imposed by Panels (minute 11/9.2(iv))

            Summaries of offences committed in 2011-12 onwards would include details of any aggravating/mitigating factors.


15.4     Parking (minute 11/13 refers)

            Advice on parking close to the Hazelrigg building had been provided prior to the meeting. Some issues remained relating to the location of reserved parking bays, and the operation of swipe cards. The secretary would take these forward. ACTION: Secretary


15.5     Non-Compliance with Community Service Penalties

It was noted that in 2010-11, for the first time, there had been a small number of cases in which students had failed to complete community service penalties within the specified timeframe. Confirmation was given that in such cases, students had been (or would) be charged with a further offence of non-compliance with a penalty imposed, and would be brought back before a Panel.


11/16   Membership and Terms of Reference



            The Committee received and noted its Membership and Terms of Reference for 2011-12. Progress was being made to fill the vacancies that existed for a lay member, and an academic/academic-related member and it was anticipated that appointments to both positions would be made shortly.


11/17   Chair’s Report


            The Committee received a verbal report from the Chair on the following matters:


17.1     Publication of Student Disciplinary Cases

The University had received requests from local community groups to publish details of student disciplinary cases, including penalties imposed. The Committee’s views on this issue were sought.


It was noted, by way of context, that recent reports in the local press had suggested that student anti-social behaviour had been particularly problematic in the early part of the 2011-12 academic year.


Although there was some support for the notion that the publication to students of details of student disciplinary penalties might have a deterrent effect, the Committee did not support publication to the wider community, for the following reasons:


i)                 Most student discipline cases related to incidents which occurred on, and whose impact was confined to the University campus.


ii)                The issue of publicising student discipline cases appeared to be a distraction from the key issue relating to student antisocial behavior impacting on the local community, which was to catch and impose strong penalties on those responsible.


iii)              The need to preserve the anonymity of those involved would mean that only broad summaries of student discipline cases could be released, and without detailed information of the full circumstances of each case, information on penalties imposed would lack meaning, and would be likely only to give rise to further requests for information.


iv)              There was a danger that details of student disciplinary cases would be presented by local or national press in a way which impacted negatively on the reputation of the University.


As an alternative to the publication of details of student disciplinary cases, the Committee proposed the publication of information on its student disciplinary procedures (including its close collaboration with LSU), with some limited information on the kinds of cases dealt with, the kinds of penalties imposed, and some of the difficulties involved. It was felt that this would help to reassure local groups that the University took the issue of student discipline very seriously, and was very concerned about the impact of student antisocial behavior on local residents, while avoiding the problems referred to above. It was agreed that this would be taken forward in conjunction with the Public Relations Office. ACTION: Chair, Nigel Thomas, R Bridger


It was agreed finally that the Chair would consider what further actions could be taken to ensure that students who engaged repeatedly in relatively minor acts of anti-social behavior were caught and charged under Ordinance XVII. ACTION: Chair


17.2         Streamlining Cases

The Chair noted that in order to expedite the consideration of major offence allegations, more staff within the Security Office would be trained to investigate and present cases. It had also been suggested that cases involving the possession of small amounts of cannabis in Halls be dealt with by Hall Wardens (rather than investigated by the Security Office, and brought before a Panel). There was some concern, however, that this approach might send the wrong message about the seriousness with which the University viewed such offences. It was agreed that the Chair would explore this proposal further with relevant personnel, taking into account the views expressed by Committee members. ACTION: Chair


17.3         Ensuring the Victim Knows We Care

The Chair noted that in cases where University action under Ordinance XVII was suspended pending action by the police/courts, the delays involved could be problematic. Under the terms of Regulation XIV, the University had the option to pursue disciplinary action against a student while a police investigation into the same matter was ongoing. However, there was conflicting legal advice in this area, and whether such an approach was advisable depended on the circumstances in each individual case.


It was important in such cases that the University did as much as possible to support the victim(s), and keep them informed of developments. This was made more difficult by the fact that no information-sharing agreement existed between the University and Leicestershire Constabulary, and it was agreed that the Chair would bring this issue to the attention of the Vice-Chancellor in order to attempt to bring about the establishment of an agreement that was balanced and fair. ACTION: Chair.


11/18   Major Offences 2010-11



The Committee received a complete summary of major offences dealt with by Student Disciplinary Panels in the 2010-11 academic year.


11/19   Major Offence Appeals 2010-11


The Committee noted that there were 2 appeals against decisions reached and/or penalties imposed by Student Disciplinary Panels in 2010-11. One appeal had been dismissed; the other was pending at the time of the meeting.


11/20   Minor Offences 2010-11



20.1     The Committee noted minor offences reported after 31 May 2011, and not therefore presented to the Committee at its meeting in June 2011.



20.2     The Committee received a complete summary of minor offences reported in the 2010-11 academic year, and listings of all non-traffic and parking related minor offences by “Offence Type” and “University Officer.”


11/21   Minor Offences 2011-12



The Committee noted minor offences reported during the period 28 September – 24 October 2011.


11/22   Dates of Meetings in 2011-12


14 February 2012, 2pm

12 June 2012, 2pm


11/23   Valedictory


The Chair thanked John Thomas, who was retiring from his role as Acting Security Manager at the end of 2011, for his contribution to the operation of the University’s disciplinary procedures over many years.


11/24   Any Other Business                                                                                     


It was agreed that the Secretary would explore the practicalities of setting up a number of standing Panel meetings, throughout the academic year. ACTION: Secretary.


Author – C Dunbobbin

November 2011
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