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Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Faculty Board



The Minutes of Ordinary Meetings of the Faculty Board are also available on the Information Gateway for three years after the relevant date.

Minutes of the Eleventh (Ordinary) Meeting of the Faculty Board held on Tuesday, 19 May 1998.
                            Professor I C Morison (Chair) 
Dr C Antaki                                Dr M D W Mangan (ab)                        
Dr J Arnold (ab)                           Mr W P J Maunder                            
Dr J V Beaverstock (ab)                    Dr M E Nevill                               
Mr D J Bunker (ab)                         Dr E J Pentecost                            
Mr M F Collins                             Professor I Reid (ab)                       
Professor S J Cox                          Professor P H Roberts                       
Dr P D Dine (ab)                           Professor M Shaw (ab)                       
Mr L M Drake (ab)                          Professor P J Taylor                        
Ms N D Fenton                              Ms M Threlfall                              
Professor P Golding (ab)                   Dr J J Vagg                                 
Professor A G Hargreaves (ab)              Mr D R F Walker                             
Professor M R Hill (ab)                    Professor D J Wallace (ab)                  
Mr A R Hodgson(ab)                         Mr M Wallis                                 
Ms K Hughes                                Professor T G Weyman-Jones (ab)             
Mr T P Jones                               Dr P Wild (ab)                              
Mr P R King                                Ms H Woodward (ab)                          
In attendance:                             Ms P J Rouse                                
By invitation                              Ms W Clarke (for item 37)                   
                                           Ms L Dutton                                 
                                           Mr T Kavanagh                               
                                           Mr D Lilley (for item 36)                   
Apologies for Absence:                     Dr Arnold, Dr Beaverstock,                  
                                           Mr Bunker, Dr Dine, Mr Drake                
                                           Professor Golding,                          
                                           Professor Hargreaves,                       
                                           Dr Mangan, Professor Reid                   
                                           Professor Shaw, Professor Wallace,          
                                           Professor Weyman-Jones, Dr Wild,            
                                           Ms Woodward.                                

33. Minutes

(SSH 98:M1)
The Minutes of the Ninth (Ordinary) Meeting of the Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Board, held on 3 February 1998, were confirmed and signed, subject to an amendment to minute 3.3(i) second sentence to read "The exceptions were that the Postgraduate Committee intended to review its work at the next meeting in May,...."

34. Matters Arising from the Minutes not Appearing Elsewhere on the Agenda

Examination Loads (SSH98-M1, Min. 7)
The Board NOTED the response of the Teaching and Learning Committee Steering Group to Faculty comments concerning examination loads.
Support Services Budgetary Review (SSH98-M1, Min. 3.1(i))
The Dean informed members that Working Groups had been set up to progress the implementation of the Support Services Budgetary Review recommendations. The overall aim was to align the Support Services more closely with the teaching and research functions of the University.
Examination Loads (SSH98-M1, Min 7.2)
The Associate Dean (Teaching) advised members that his work on a comparison of the assessment methods of postgraduate programmes in 1991/92 and the present date, to identify any trends, was not yet complete.

35. Dean's and Associate Dean's Reports

35.1 Dean's Report

Central Overhead Model for Apportionment (COMA)
Three changes would affect the funding to Faculties and Departments for 1998/99. The first was COMA, the new model for the apportionment of central overhead costs. The second was the introduction of new price bands. HEFCE had introduced four new price bands , three of which applied to subjects offered at Loughborough. In order to counteract the aggregate effect of wide differentials, the price bands used in COMA had been modified to 1 for non-lab based subjects, 1.4 for subjects which were partially lab-based and 1.8 for lab-based subjects. The third change was a shift in student load arising from changing recruitment patterns and was of such magnitude that it effectively swamped the effects of the other two factors. Overall it was estimated that as a result the Faculties of Social Sciences and Humanities and of Science would be in reasonable surplus before decisions were taken regarding vacant posts and that the Engineering Faculty would have somewhat less financial flexibility.
(Secretary's Note: The middle price band has now been changed to 1.3 for partially lab-based subjects, which will have the effect of reducing the Faculty surplus.)
Business Plans
The business planning cycle was about to commence and it was expected that the Finance Office would shortly issue to Departments and Faculty Officers data on which to build detailed business plans. One member commented that an appropriate balance must be maintained in the funding of central support services. The adverse effects of capping central service funding could already be observed in some areas and it had a detrimental effect on academic departments to cut services beyond a certain point.
In response to a query, it was confirmed that Operations Sub-Committee was expected to make decisions on staff replacement cases over the next three weeks or so.
Strategic Planning
The University was required to provide a new strategic plan for submission to HEFCE in summer 1999. An off-site meeting of Council was planned to take place in October to consider relevant position papers. There would be an opportunity for Faculties to be involved in the dialogue and members were encouraged to consider relevant strategic and structural issues and to relay their thoughts to Heads of Departments, who could feed ideas into the planning process through the Directorate.
IT Skills for Staff
A proposal for the promotion of IT skills for staff would be considered at the forthcoming meeting of the Faculty Directorate. Essentially this would invite Faculty funding to support the appointment of a Staff IT Skills Co-ordinator to work with Faculties on a programme to ensure that staff all have certain basic IT skills. Whilst acknowledging a general requirement for IT support, members were conscious that the proposal should be in line with the actual needs of staff and that it must not effectively duplicate services provided elsewhere. There was a danger that IT support was somewhat fragmented.

35.2 Report from the Associate Dean (Teaching)

(SSH98-P21 tabled)

Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Audit: 12-14 May 1998
Members noted a report on the audit visit and the close involvement of the Departments of Geography, European Studies and English and Drama in this. Feedback on the visit was awaited. The impression was that the audit had gone satisfactorily and there was no indication of any serious areas of unease. Thanks were expressed to those responsible for arranging the audit and to Mrs M Kennedy, in particular, for her excellent administration.
QAA Consultation Paper: Developing the Quality Assurance and Standards Framework for UK Higher Education
A report on the production of the University response to this was noted. One member advised that there were now indications that some of the elements in the consultation paper would not come to fruition, for example the proposal for registered external examiners. It was reported that the development of templates for programme specifications was being piloted in the Faculty.
In response to a query, it was AGREED that the Secretary should make enquiries as to whether the University's response might be more widely circulated.
Secretary's Note: This document is now available on the web at http://www.lboro.ac.uk/admin/committees/tlc/9/tlc98-p33.html

35.3 Report from the Associate Dean (Research)

EU Framework V Programme
A meeting on the EU Framework V Programme for funding research was being arranged to take place between 9 to 11 June 1998. Heads of Departments and Research Co-ordinators from within the Faculty were being invited to attend. Staff wishing to attend or to receive more information were invited to contact Professor Taylor.
Humanities Research Board
The Humanities Research Board, which had been recently established, was seen by some as a force to encourage the creation of a research council for humanities. An inter-faculty Arts and Humanities network was being established on the campus to promote collaboration and greater awareness of research activities and opportunities in these areas.
Practice-based Doctorates
A proposal for the introduction of doctorate degrees based on practice would be considered at the next meeting of the Research Committee. The work required would consist of a thesis and a creative work or invention. Many other universities already offered such degrees.
Research Degree Submission Rates
Research Degree submission rates within the Faculty were disappointing. Over half of the Departments were failing to achieve the PhD submission rate target of within four years. It was important to identify early those students who were not making satisfactory progress, and to take appropriate action.

36. Report on the First Destinations of Loughborough Graduates of 1997


The Board welcomed Mr D Lilley, Careers Advisor, who reported on the destination statistics for 1997 graduates from the Faculty. Summary data on this was noted. More detailed information providing a breakdown of the destinations of individual graduates was available in the Careers Service Annual Report and on the web.

Given the diverse nature of Departments within the Faculty, it was difficult to examine the Faculty data as a whole and this was best considered departmentally or by programme. Some trends could be clearly identified, however:

* an increase in those graduates going on to further study rather than into employment.

* an increase in those taking time out after completing their studies.

Mr Lilley reported that the graduate recruitment market was currently more buoyant than it had been for a number of years. There was a 30% increase in the number of advertisements for graduate posts, following an increase of 20% the previous year. There was, however, a 30% reduction in job applications this year from Loughborough graduates. The Careers Service was liaising with employers on effective methods of alerting students to the employment opportunities offered. The Careers Service did not operate a policy of persuading students to enter the employment market, even though this was regarded as a performance indicator. It was believed that students now faced greater academic pressures in their final year and that, coupled with the improved availability of vacancies, this resulted in students delaying job applications. Evidence suggested that delayed applications were a national trend although, as a higher than average number of Loughborough graduates normally entered employment, it was more noticeable here. To some extent employers were responding with a move to continuous recruitment and more recruitment over the summer in particular. Plenty of opportunities were available.

Members were reminded that the Careers Service adopted a pro-active approach, organising many workshops and events, including the very successful Spring Careers Fair, held on 29 April, which was one of the largest events of its kind. Approximately 1250 students had attended, including a high proportion from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. Overall very positive feedback had been received (although there was some concern at feedback from a significant minority of students who had failed to appreciate the breadth of opportunities available). A work-shadowing programme was now offered to second year students. The Careers Service Guide, published for the first time last year, was being distributed to all penultimate year students with spare copies available for postgraduates and finalists. It was noted that support from the Careers Service was also provided after graduation.

In response to a query it was noted that statistical data on employment destinations were collected after six months as it was becoming increasingly difficult to track graduates and gather the information after a longer elapse of time, even though more graduates might have reached a settled destination by then.

Appreciation of the pro-active support provided by the Careers Service was expressed and the Dean thanked Mr Lilley for his report.

37. University Open Day - 24 June 1998


The Board received a report from Ms W Clarke on arrangements for the University Open Day. It was noted that arrangements were being made to avoid congestion in the James France building, which would be a first stop for visitors before they proceeded to Departments. Thanks were expressed to Ms Clarke for the report.

38. Institute of Youth Sport


The Board considered and RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Senate a proposal for the establishment of an Institute of Youth Sport. It was reported that funding for the Beckwith Chair, associated with the Institute, was available for three years and it was expected that thereafter this would become the responsibility of the Department. It was confirmed that there was very good potential for attracting funding for the ongoing support of the appointment.
One member queried whether the appointments attached to the proposal could not be offered on a more permanent basis. The need to seek a longer term staffing profile was noted.

39. LUSAD Programmes 1998-99


The Board NOTED a summary of LUSAD programmes to be offered from October 1998, as considered by Curriculum Sub-Committee. Mr Kavanagh expressed thanks to Mr P Maunder and other colleagues who had been involved in the arrangements to modularise the programmes in such a short time and also to those putting relevant information onto the ORACLE database.

40. Role of the Director of Research


A minute of Research Committee concerning the role of Director of Research was considered. The following points emerged in discussion:

* Members were content with the title `Director of Research"

* There was a willingness to explore the responsibilities of the Director of Research, and in particular the boundaries between that role and the role of Supervisor.

* Panel meetings were regarded as a good mechanism for ensuring that appropriate monitoring was carried out.

* Co-supervision of research students was found useful by some, but was not regarded as essential.

* It was essential that arrangements were put in place, and formally documented, to ensure the continuity of supervision and direction of research when staff were away on study leave for example.

* It would be useful to identify and disseminate good practice in research direction and supervision arrangements.

It was RESOLVED to refer these points to Research Committee.

41. Student Representation

The Board NOTED that Geoffrey Frith Cohen has been elected as student representative to serve on Senate and the Faculty Board for the academic year 1998-99.

42. Curriculum Sub-Committee (of Teaching and Learning Committee)

The Board NOTED decisions of Curriculum Sub-Committee in the following matters.

New Postgraduate Modular Tariff
Proposals to convert the Faculty's continuing postgraduate programmes to accord with the 180 tariff were received and associated scaling proposals were approved for recommendation to Teaching and Learning Committee.
Business Studies : Part-Time
A proposal for a part-time undergraduate programme in Business Studies at Peterborough was approved for recommendation to Teaching and Learning Committee.
Retail Automotive Management (Ford)
A proposal from the Business School for amendments to programme regulations in the current session to make explicit the part-time nature of the programme, thereby allowing flexibility in students' credit accumulation routes through the degree, was approved for recommendation to Teaching and Learning Committee, subject to a minor revision.
Geography and Recreation Management
A proposal from the Department of Geography for a new undergraduate programme in Geography and Recreational Management was approved for recommendation to Teaching and Learning Committee.
Exercise Physiology
A proposal from the Department of PE, SS and RM for a new postgraduate programme in Exercise Physiology was referred for revision.
Certificate in Education for Graduates (Primary)
A proposal from the Department of Education for revision to the Certificate in Education for Graduates (Primary) was approved for recommendation to Teaching and Learning Committee.

43. Staff/Student Committees

The Board NOTED that reports of Staff/Student Committee meetings had been deposited with the Secretary as follows:

Business School (Undergraduate)                12 March and 12 February 1998         
Executive MBA (95/96 Cohort)                   22 November 1997                      
Executive MBA (96/97 & 97/98 Cohorts)          26 November 1997                      
Executive MBA (97/98 Peterborough Cohort)      12 December 1997                      
Design and Technology                          11 February 1998                      
Drama                                          9 March and 29 January 1998           
European Studies                               19 November 1997                      
English                                        4 March 1998, 10 December 1997 and    
                                               4 4 February 1998                     
MSc Management                                 19 November 1997                      
Professional Programmes in Management          3 February 1998                       
Social Sciences                                11 March 1998                         

No items had been highlighted for the Board's attention.

44. Senate

The Board NOTED that the Minutes of the 318th (Ordinary) meeting of Senate held on 4 March 1998 are available as a web page.

45. Reports of Committees

The Board NOTED that reports of the following Committees are available as web pages:

46. Other Business

46.1 Valediction

The Dean expressed warm thanks to Mr T Jones and Professor P Roberts for their contribution to the Faculty Board. Mr Jones would hand over the Headship of the Department of PE, SS & RM to Professor Evans, and the Headship of the Design and Technology Department would pass to Mr J Smith, with effect from 1 August 1998.

47. Provisional Dates of Meetings in 1998-99

The Board NOTED the following provisional meeting dates:

(Closing date for receipt of Agenda items: Monday 12 October 1998)

Author - P J Rouse

June 1998

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